A good company for Disability?

There are many good carriers to choose, but you also need to know that there are variations from State to State and depending upon the clients situation!

All of the carriers thus far mentioned will do great for clients within their underwriting guidelines. What if your client is an athlete or entertainer? What if your client has health issues? A DUI or bankruptcy? What if your client is Blue, White or Gray Colllar? What if you are looking for a buy-sell, keyperson or a Buy-In program? What if your client is 68 years old or races on the weekends?

Once you get these types of questions answered then you can explore the carrier best for this situation. A good disability brokerage outlet may be your best partner when you are not sure or lack the resources to find THE BEST carrier.
I've doing some research and learning Di. Assurity offers a pretty bad definition of total disability in relation to own occ. But they offer a rider that is cheap.

I think having the rider paid for is the best defense rather than it in the TD language?
Standard, Principal and MetLife are great if there aren't a lot of pre-existing health conditions. If there ARE health conditions, impaired risk markets like Fidelity, Assurity and Lloyds of London are great too.

For critical illness insurance, most like using Assurity.

For short term, Mutual of Omaha.