ACA Express -vs- HealthSherpa

Is Welltheos working for you, PB?

I couldn't ever log-in to from Welltheos (when I tried it).
It told me my password was incorrect.
But, my password is CORRECT at Sherpa.
Thanks for your reply. Lately , I have not seen such a link available at Sherpa that enables the customers to self-enroll ( and identify us as the AOR ) after together picking a plan. Am I missing something?
Wait so health Sherpa has to direct you to but ACA doesn't make you...yet?


Thanks for your reply. Lately , I have not seen such a link available at Sherpa that enables the customers to self-enroll ( and identify us as the AOR ) after together picking a plan. Am I missing something?

Click on the plan or plans you want to compare. Top right it'll say link or email. Send them that and they can enroll.
Thanks for your reply. Lately , I have not seen such a link available at Sherpa that enables the customers to self-enroll ( and identify us as the AOR ) after together picking a plan. Am I missing something?

Spend some time doing your homework tonight.
Read recent forum posts.
I know that I've personally explained exactly HOW to send a Sherpa email to your clients for self-enrollment (more than once over the past week or so).
Anyone else having trouble with ACA Express? I signed up today - went through onboarding, and cannot get the link to open that they sent me. Very slow when trying to connect. I really wanted to use this today since I have a backlog while I did Medicare enrollment.

Now - can't seem to get it to work. Reid and I went back & forth on e-mail, but now no response really. I know they are slammed, but so am I . . . .

Anyone know if there's a problem? Tried different browsers, tablet, etc. No luck.
The Sherpa redirect is a pain, which is why I wanted to use ACA today. Right now I can't get anyone over there to respond. Doing the onboarding was frought with problems and very slow this morning & now it almost seems like something has happened. . . .
Spend some time doing your homework tonight.
Read recent forum posts.
I know that I've personally explained exactly HOW to send a Sherpa email to your clients for self-enrollment (more than once over the past week or so).

Microsoft's Azure Cloud servers was having issues and it was system wide
They now now it resolved.
Microsoft's Azure Cloud servers was having issues and it was system wide
They now now it resolved.

I don't think so. I clicked my link when you posted & my home page came up. I then tried to click on "log in" and my system got hung up there & wouldn't advance. I think closed it out & tried to reopen the link & couldn't.

Guess I will just have to use other tools - or God forbid - just take everyone in through . . . .nightmare.:no: