ACA ObamaCare 2018 - Rules, Premiums, Info, Etc.

Client who is old: $964/ month for him only on BCBST B07S = $11,568 annual. Looks like he'll do something different.

What's up on the STM front? Any longer than 3 months at a time?
Oh, absolutely, tons of exemptions will be filed. Just floors me that a 63 year old couple who isn't subsidy eligible would be charged almost $3k a month for a silver plan in McMinn County. Laughable really. But, the bronze plans appear to be so much cheaper than the silver that there will be TONS of subsidy-eligible people with "free" insurance.
Bronze plans are EPO probably with unacceptably narrow networks. I can write myself either in Nashville contiguous counties or outlying because of 2 houses. Oscar is the cheapest but Trump family members are major players in that company. I wouldn't insure my dog with them because of how that family habitually goes into a business, takes their money and leaves associates stuck with crap. There is no telling whether they can pay claims even for one year.

TN is desperate to have more carriers offering cheap coverage and lets any carrier in. This is the 1st year for Oscar here. All premiums work the same regardless of what type of insurance. Premium has to fund claims and admin or the coverage tanks. On self-funded plans, reserves are established from the 1st year's premium. How is Oscar going to have any reserve unless investors put it in. That brings us back to my dog statement above.

Also, Oscar doesn't have any networks of its own so is probably renting the EPO. The fact that is is EPO in a habitually PPO state says that they are trying to come in as low premium carrier and sell on price only. That brings us back to my dog statement above (again).
I'm amazed that a 60 year-old smoker in suburban Chicago, with MAGI of $25,000 can get a Blue Cross PPO Bronze plan for $0 a month. (Pre-Subsidy premium = $1,101.36!)

A year ago, I could explain why a subsidy was set the way that it was. But this year, I'm at a loss to explain the formula. Guess I'd better visit to get current.
I'm amazed that a 60 year-old smoker in suburban Chicago, with MAGI of $25,000 can get a Blue Cross PPO Bronze plan for $0 a month. (Pre-Subsidy premium = $1,101.36!)

A year ago, I could explain why a subsidy was set the way that it was. But this year, I'm at a loss to explain the formula. Guess I'd better visit to get current.

Well, if can convince that guy to get the "free" insurance then Blue Cross is banking the $13,000 for the year. Won't lapse for non-pay! I assume that is the strategy now for most carriers, set silver prices so high that all bronze plans are free but the person can't afford the deductible so they never go to the doctor...