ACA ObamaCare 2018 - Rules, Premiums, Info, Etc.

Fixing the ACA is fraught with so many issues. No matter what one group or another is going to be pissed off. It was a mistake to claim repeal and replace, did they not do their due diligence on how difficult this will be? I predict very subtle change will be made in 2017 and then EVERYONE will have to face the music in 2018. I don't believe any of our politicians from either party.
Most of these rules are targeting fraud which is good for a 5%-10% premium reduction.

Most of govt fraud targeting is retrospective. "Oh, you weren't eligible for the last 3 years? No problem. You can't come back next year.".

I would be surprised if reducing (because you can't eliminate is no matter how hard you try) would be worth 5%.

Yes, the dollars wasted are there to get to 10% or even more, but govt oversight isn't their strong suit.
Quite a few ride the December grace period and don't pay unless they have claims. That's one way to save ~8% on premiums that's going away. Anyone planning to bail to an underwritten plan had better do it early. UHC was taking ~ 2 months on some individual business even when med records and everything was submitted with the app.

I haven't seen anything that reduces premiums and no good alternatives for those over subsidy level which includes most of my friends and clients. I'm mostly following along to take care of myself nest year. This part of the business currently doesn't pay anything.
S.T.M. must be allowed for 12 months again. It is the only viable solution for quick 2018 fix. Contact your officials and express yourself.
The answer is..........dependent on what your state does. From what I hear, not many states will take it up anytime soon. Otherwise, current federal EHB's and GI stand as is. States who went federal exchange will probably default to federal richer EHB standard. The Dem states with SBE's will keep going down the same ACA rabbit hole.

STM is the only viable option for many, it's an underwritten plan with less EHB's. That's an HHS decision. But the carriers want STM gone to keep pool from getting worse.
And STM has gaping holes and limitations. There are even more holes when the original contract doesn't cover the entire period and multiple applications will be required.
And STM has gaping holes and limitations. There are even more holes when the original contract doesn't cover the entire period and multiple applications will be required.

I'm speaking of STM returning to 12 month terms.

If I go uninsured instead, does my plan have gaping holes and limitations?

Dems destroyed the market, STM popularity is because of the ACA implosion.

Care to admit that?
I'm speaking of STM returning to 12 month terms.

If I go uninsured instead, does my plan have gaping holes and limitations?

Dems destroyed the market, STM popularity is because of the ACA implosion.

Care to admit that?

We are in agreement at least on most of what you've stated above. I bought STM personally because the premium incentive was so much. Even if I hit the hospital, the 1st $15,000 in claims brings me even with what would have been mostly spent on premiums.

The fact remains, I would have preferred a ACA plan with a $6,400 OOP and $10,000 annual premium. STM is only viable (to me) because ACA premiums are through the roof in TN and STM has huge holes.