ACA ObamaCare 2018 - Rules, Premiums, Info, Etc.

I guess 1 city gooing from 0 carriers to now 1 carrier with large rate ups is considered a win. Yeeeay.

BlueCross to restore individual coverage in Knoxville | Times Free Press

The insurance plan warned that the premiums may, however, be high in this area because of the health law's uncertain future, including the possible "elimination of Cost Sharing Reduction subsidies (CSRs), the removal of the individual mandate and the collection of the health insurer tax."
I guess 1 city gooing from 0 carriers to now 1 carrier with large rate ups is considered a win. Yeeeay.

BlueCross to restore individual coverage in Knoxville | Times Free Press

The insurance plan warned that the premiums may, however, be high in this area because of the health law's uncertain future, including the possible "elimination of Cost Sharing Reduction subsidies (CSRs), the removal of the individual mandate and the collection of the health insurer tax."

Something is better than nothing. I was very curious how this was going to be handled if they went into AEP without a carrier being available. Put everyone into Tenncare, our local Medicaid?
Something is better than nothing.

Only to the heavily subsidized or those with severe health problems. 2017 premiums were already at $20,000 for my family of 3. Going to $25,000 or $30,000 isn't going to cause me to get back on. Of course, the Repubs will say "you had access".

**** them and Trump.
Only to the heavily subsidized or those with severe health problems. 2017 premiums were already at $20,000 for my family of 3. Going to $25,000 or $30,000 isn't going to cause me to get back on. Of course, the Repubs will say "you had access".

**** them and Trump.

Your premiums are so high not because anything the Republicans have done, you can thank comrade Barry for that
Your premiums are so high not because anything the Republicans have done, you can thank comrade Barry for that

I blame rates on adverse selection which is caused by not having everyone enrolled.

Apparently only the few that have dealt with large groups understand how rates are composed. I'll give them the a huuuge (Per Trump) benefit of the doubt and ass/u/me that the people coming up with the laws don't. Otherwise, the only possible conclusion is that they are intentionally screwing healthcare up more than it already is.

Barry got rid of pre-ex. That's a plus in my book because of all of the people I've seen with money and no coverage. The mandate didn't work and the 3 month grace period is ridiculously harmful. Carriers wanted the mandate and the grace period was probably the Dems. Free wellness was at the request of the carriers and probably reduces claims and gives carriers data which is needed for rates.

The Repubs kicking required benefits back to the states essentially gives the decision back to the carriers to strip the high claim coverages out and pretend to give people coverage.

Adding pre-ex, limiting RX to $3,000, excluding mental & nervous and maternity eliminates a lot of claims. The problem with maternity isn't the birth but premees. I talked to 1 person today who uses a lot of drugs. The drug company makes so much money off him that they pay his $6,400 out-of-pocket. I forget the condition but he needs the meds to live. Before ACA, he had a bunch of freebees cobbled together ad still paid out many dollars for meds.

With contracts like that my standard response becomes "pay me 1/2 of the premiums. I won't pay any claims either but at least you'll keep some of your money."

All enrolled. All pay. Anyone that wants to can have a HDHP and HSA to $10,000. The poor get a plan with copays and also access to clinics. Give the lower income people access to HSA's regardless of plan design. We want them to try accumulating and to stay out of the ER. We know it would be tax neutral because only those with money save.
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Kinda bassakwards when democrats desire to bail out big insurance companies and republicans are against doing so.

I didn't say it was logical.

Its health insurance. Logic and health insurance are a contradiction in terms.

(But I do think it was crap that the carriers paid all the damn 1st qtr 2014 claims, which we all knew would be massive, then Rubio yanked the bankstop)