ACA ObamaCare 2018 - Rules, Premiums, Info, Etc.

Trump certainly is good for jobs. He's even creating new industries and exports. The Chinese can now buy visas. All they have to do is invest in Trump Tower

And he had the good foresight to fire the no good FBI director for investigating Hillary's email. We all know the the Russian investigations had nothing to do with it. LFMAO.
Don't forget the esteemed GOP junior senator from Florida...he got the reinsurance money stripped. ;)

You mean the guy who only showed up for that one vote for the year? Haven't heard much about boy wonder lately, I'd like to know if he's working? Oh, probably not.:no::no:
There are groups of people freeking out about their EHB being tampered with, lots of signage, standing around claiming that the current admin & reps are trying to kill them.

Just a random thought that I am having more frequently, let the carriers offer policies with varying ESB? I was talking to a friend that really needed his hospitalization and ER and meds this past year, but was not happy about having to pay to keep his maternity care...he's 54 years old and gay, and he would need that why?

So offer policies that include maternity care, and some that don't. Younger people don't want to pay for Rx, they don't need any maintenance drugs yet. So offer policies that allow for people to pay for what they are most interested in having. I have a very active 5-year old boy; I want ER and UC coverage!

Yes, I realize it goes back to the people buying the lowest coverage and wanting to increase it if they become seriously ill or injured. I don't have all the answers, just random thoughts and questions.
Just to be clear, Boy Wonder Rubio (but mostly others) protected the taxpayer from a flawed law, and an even more flawed risk corridor program. When most companies lose money, they don't have to put into the risk corridor pool, hence only 13 cents on the dollar was paid out to those that lost money. Those who passed the bill couldn't fathom all of these companies would be losing money, and repubs stopped HHS from finding other sources of taxpayer money (slush funds).

While Mr. Rubio was the most prominent congressional opponent of the so-called risk corridor payments in the health law, and introduced measures to undermine them, other Republicans were ultimately responsible for inserting a provision into a 2014 spending bill that limited the payments.
Typical government programs-everyone's at fault but no one is responsible for it.

It doesn't take an economic degree to figure out that if a company is losing money on a product, it will stop offering/making that product. Anyone shocked that insurance carriers are ceasing to carry ACA plans?

I have known people who crowed about the wonderful things that they were getting on their "free" insurance and are now eating that same crow. They are paying premiums and also having to pay for their services too! The horror...:swoon:
You mean the guy who only showed up for that one vote for the year? Haven't heard much about boy wonder lately, I'd like to know if he's working? Oh, probably not.:no::no: have got to follow him on twitter. Its hysterical. And now people are making fun of him, because he's always MIA, until he tweets about something in Cuba or South America. Hmm......


Just to be clear, Boy Wonder Rubio (but mostly others) protected the taxpayer from a flawed law, and an even more flawed risk corridor program. When most companies lose money, they don't have to put into the risk corridor pool, hence only 13 cents on the dollar was paid out to those that lost money. Those who passed the bill couldn't fathom all of these companies would be losing money, and repubs stopped HHS from finding other sources of taxpayer money (slush funds).

Y...I'm not arguing that the law wasn't flawed. I'm not even denying that it was a brilliant move by Rubio to start the death spiral.

I'm arguing that the 2014 rates were based on the reinsurance cash. Everyone knew what was going to happen (especially the transplants) and how high the claim dollars were going be. Then in August, carriers got s*****d. And since this is America, the carriers passed along the loss to the consumers, which gave us the 2015 increases.

Of course, I actually expect them to govern and all Congress did was spend the last 4 years writing and passing bills they KNEW were going to get vetoed, instead of working on actual solution to the trainwreck.
The government says that Obamacare taxes are now amounting to almost one trillion dollars a year. I don't think they're spending that much in subsidies and other benefits. Where is the excess going?
Just to be clear, Boy Wonder Rubio (but mostly others) protected the taxpayer from a flawed law, and an even more flawed risk corridor program. When most companies lose money, they don't have to put into the risk corridor pool, hence only 13 cents on the dollar was paid out to those that lost money. Those who passed the bill couldn't fathom all of these companies would be losing money, and repubs stopped HHS from finding other sources of taxpayer money (slush funds).

Those that are upset with Little Marco for saving the taxpayer mucho $$$ are most likely the same folks that feel that a decrease in the rate of growth equates to a cut in spending... Maybe provisions like the insurance company bailout etc should have been considered before the ACA was even voted on, but like someone once said " we have to pass the bill to see what is in it".
Those that are upset with Little Marco for saving the taxpayer mucho $$$ are most likely the same folks that feel that a decrease in the rate of growth equates to a cut in spending... Maybe provisions like the insurance company bailout etc should have been considered before the ACA was even voted on, but like someone once said " we have to pass the bill to see what is in it".

How many members of the House saw AHCA before they voted last week?

Zero. Zip. Nada.

(And I stand by my statement. If he had done it for 2015, I might swallow it. But 2014 was dirty pool)
The budget passed in 2014.
Rates for 2015 filed in May of 14.
Didn't know 2014 risk pool results till late 2015, rates for 2016 already filed by then in may 15'. The corridor was only for 3 years, combined saw 2017 rates skyrocket.

To me, it was sparing taxpayers from a retroactive bailout.