ACORN Gets Punked

That will be great...I can see it now: "No I didn't know I was being taped, I'm all for Child Prostitution, Human Smuggling, Cheating on Taxes and everything else I talked about in the video"

Is ACORN really stupid enough to keep such a bad subject in the media like this?

wait a sec.... Yep, that was a pretty ridiculous question, of course they are!
On the other hand, Bertha Lewis, the head of Acorn was willing to appear on Fox News Sunday and be interviewed by Chris Wallace. Of course she is a total loon but she is at least a stand-up loon which puts her ahead of President Acorn who was on six networks but would not appear on Fox. True ...Fox has Hannity and Beck etc but those are commentary programs/ side-shows where no one expects him to appear but Chris Wallace is a reputable journalist and Fox News Sunday is not a hatchet job simply because it is not msnbc.