ACORN Gets Punked

Re: ACORN Gets Punked!

Politics aside, it is obvious to everyone in the venue that you're just another agent (one of many) on this board and in this industry with not enough education to do a proper job. Go and enroll in a good college or university. Money spent on education would be well-spent in your case.

University of Virginia, 1969, BA
College of William and Mary, 1974, MA
InsuranceSolutions123 Agency

You have a BA and MA yet you can't close a sale for the life of you. How does it feel to be a failure?

You are so sorry that you post under alternate names! What kind of weirdo does that?

How can you sit there and defend ACORN

I really don't believe you are writing any business in the insurance industry. Who the hell would buy anything from some weirdo lib? Maybe you have a special market selling to drag queens or something. Do you sell them as female or male?
Al I must of struck a nerve with you about the drag queens.

You make good point about the libs buying from libs.
That makes sense. You rubber necks can sit around and do what ever you do.

I actually have a large amount of hair salons that are clients and I never ask them anything but referrals.

For me I only see one thing and that is the GREEN of the sale! I don't let politics or my personal beliefs get involved.

Hey Al how many deals did you close for the 3rd quarter. I am sure all your lib friends were waiting on ACORN and Bo Bo to give them gov. hand outs?
Fox released a new video last night of the same two people using the same lines about being a pimp and prostitue and visited the Brooklyn Acorn office...You guessed it once again Acorn employees are telling them how to launder money and don't bat an eye at the underage illegal alian sex ring part of the story.

Obviously this second video was shot before the first was released but come on people doesn't anyone get sqeamish about illegal prostitution and underage sex rings?

You guys see what this comes down to right?
It is easier to try and take what someone else has worked for than it is to fight for your own piece.
Those 2 acorn pieces of trash are like a lot of people who, instead of working 40 – 80 hours a week to build something of their own, would rather try and take from others, via the govt. money. What the hell? It's not like its real money right? "It's from the govt. … they could just print more …"
I mean, what kind of qualifications do these people have? Did they go to the same church as Barry? I don't get it.
Its no wonder people just say f*ck it at some point. Thank god for the internet. Can you imagine the amount of similar nonsense that has gone unchecked before it existed? No hiding anymore. I think it's great.
Neo-cons hate any era of political activism because that will mean "change" and they hate "change." If you neos could bring back Alabama of 1958, you'd do it in a heartbeat! :yes:

Why do so many liberals feel that because a conservative doesn't agree with your point of view on legislation that we are just racist. That is a completely ridiculous argument and shows your lack of skill for having a meaningful conversation about any topic of substance. You choose, instead, to degrade the topic to the fact that I'm racist because I'm conservative.

How is that Bobby Jindal, is so popular of a conservative in the south? Or all the other conservatives who aren't rich white does that figure into your failed equation?

Had to take the bait, please do share some more excellent points that have nothing to do with the topic at hand.
Al3, Well I am in my mid 20's.... and it makes me feel old saying that!! I do intend on seeing a day where no one has to throw race into an argument. I did grow up around a multitude of cultures and races in Sacramento and have great friends from all different backgrounds. Most of my generation will never focus on race like you do. We don't see it as important factor in determining what someone has to say or if they are qualified to do something or be someone.

While you are correct, I wasn't around too see the 60's....(I'm pretty happy about that)

You still haven't told me why disagreeing with Obama, You, and any liberal policy that I don't feel is what this country is about or is best for us in the future makes me a racist. There is 100% no logical sequence behind that statement.

So yes, I hope I do live to see a time when there are no people like yourself who have to reduce a conversation to what race you are and I really hope my kids never even have to see it.

Well this isn't helping me reach my goal's for the week....hopefully you can help me understand how I'm a racist now.... I'd sure love to know!
Al, I actually will read that, I do believe it's not only important but absolutely important to know our history or else were doomed to repeat it. As far as clients go you're generation loves me, I'm young and rather successful with a great family and take care of my clients very well. You may be thinking of calling that a arrogant statement which is fine with me as I know I back it up just fine.

You still haven't told me how me being opposed to a liberal policy makes me a racist?
Acorn sues hidden camera film makers

Acorn sues film makers in MD alleging that the hidden camera violates wiretap laws:

The funny part of this is that Acorn will have to prove that the staff did not know the situations were being videotaped. This means that the staff members will have to be deposed which means that lawyers defending the film makers are going to get to question these people, under oath, and that the testimony (no doubt videotaped) will become public.

That should be available in time for the 2010 elections.

Acorn - it's the gift that keeps on giving.