Advice needed


I don't recall ever seeing that here, or anywhere. @DHK is 100% spot on. The missionary program is better than anything an insurance carrier will put you through. The tools you gain on your journey will prepare you for almost anything life can throw at you.

It's not usually very apparent to me if someone is of that age, from Utah, clean-cut... It seemed like a natural question for me to ask.
Not likely that you will find someone to take you for 2 months and have you leave. Whether someone does or does not, strongly suggest you continue to do research while trying to learn as much as you can about the types of coverage you want to market. Best of luck.
2 months is enough time to start door knocking cold calling. Don't sell to your friends or family. Serve them. It's for their own good. You can offer and if they decline or don't care about their family or future you can move on with no regrets.
Damn straight. Lol.

This was my missionary transfer card. Each box was a month that I baptized at least one person into the church. This helped me to know that I can be very good in a consulting role.
View attachment 7465

If you're curious about the other markings on that card...

The A- was my driving record (which was clean, but too new as I got my license just a couple of months before I arrived.)

The top right corner was levels of 'certification':
Q = qualified teacher (I demonstrated that I knew how to teach our lessons)
C = certified teacher (I memorized and recited the lessons word for word)
JS = the Joseph Standing award which was earned by reading various books and passing off the memorization of various scripture passages. If you look at my profile pic, that wooden plaque on the wall... that was it. That's my Joseph Standing award named after this guy: (It's no secret now why I think designations can be helpful, right?)
(There was another award beyond that... and I was CLOSE to earning it, but I didn't complete it in time - a small regret, but one reason why I also wanted to finish my CLU - I hated that regret and I was determined to not let it slip by.)

Beneath that:
DL = District Leader (I was the reporting leader for a district of up to 3 sets of missionaries)
TR = Trainer (I trained new missionaries in the field)
ZL = Zone Leader (the reporting leader for up to 4 District Leaders)
(There was another position beyond this called "Assistant to the Mission President" or "AP". I never wanted that because it would take me out of the field and into a more administrative role. That's not where my strengths were. My strengths were being with people and with other missionaries to help grow and develop their skills.)

So... yeah, I did some stuff way back then. :)
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Yep - Drove a car for most of my missionary service. We often had a "part-time" car where we traded it out every other week with another set of missionaries. Then we rode bikes, etc.
You drove a car??

I see the missionaries riding bikes or walking.

Depends on the area. On my mission in Florida most areas had car share, so you'd trade off weeks with another companionship. The other week you'd ride your bike. Most missions in South America and Africa are full bike or walk.
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2 months is enough time to start door knocking cold calling. Don't sell to your friends or family. Serve them. It's for their own good. You can offer and if they decline or don't care about their family or future you can move on with no regrets.
You were a pretty good looking kid! What happened??!!!;)(asks the guy who would rather show you a rock dog than his own face! LOL!)