Any Experience with Health Choice USA?

Well who do you think you are?????

Its none of your business who I am writing and at what commission level I am at. I merely answered a question that was posted on here.

It does not answer your question at all.

I am not prepared to discuss my PERSONAL business, with your or anyone for that matter.

Get over yourself. Who are you, the insurance police?
My goodness, you guys are incredible!

No need for profanity.

The questions on this post were originally asked by a person thinking about becoming an agent. I merely offered my perspective on this.

Since I am the one that has had first hand experience on this I would have thought that it would have been worthwhile, obvioulsy not.

It seems all you guys want to do is shoot down anyone and anything that does not fit with what you are doing.

I am not sure what sort of witch hunt you guys have going on in here.........I am sorry I spoke.