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Any Good Books on Cold Calling, Etc?


New Member
I am relatively new and I would appreciate any good books on cold calling, selling, closing, phone skills etc. Thanks in advance!
These are more motivational than technical, but I'd argue the hardest part of cold calling is the mental aspect and certainly not the verbiage of sales. I've never heard of anyone quitting cold-calling because they didn't have a polished sales talk, but plenty quit out of frustration.

That being said, here's all you need:

The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
Life is Tremendous by Charlie Jones
Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander (I actually have an extra copy of this one. If you want it, I'll be happy to send it to you.)
The polish will come with time and repetition. Also, the polish is more a function of confidence, and that can only be gained through experience.

Cold calling does work, but depending on your business, you would be smart to use it to transition into more effective marketing methods. I don't know that there are many people that can cold call effective for 5-10 years to build their business and not burn out.
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here's all you need:

The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
Life is Tremendous by Charlie Jones
Rhinoceros Success by Scott Alexander (I actually have an extra copy of this one. If you want it, I'll be happy to send it to you.)

Oh my gosh! I have a copy of Rhinoceros Success and Advanced Rhinocerology on my shelf. I bought them in the early 80's. I need to pick them up and reread them. Thanks for the reminder!
Unlock The Game

I like this guy's approach to cold calling. He changed my idea and thoughts of cold calling.

Old old goal: Make a sale
Old goal: Get the appointment
New goal: Just get them talking through natural conversation. Everything else will fall into place.
I highly recommend you read books and free ezines from:

Mike Brooks, Mr. Inside Sales

Art Sobczak.....Smart Calling

Both will send free emails with tips.

Good luck.