Not sure if Todd King can see this, what comm can you offer for the state of NY?
"Level 4" means nothing. That is one of the "levels" created by Ritter and means nothing to anyone but them. If those levels don't offer you around 115%-120% for FE, then's not good levels. Better find out what the commission levels actually are.
New York is different, as you probably know.
It still differs by company, but to give you an example, Foresters is 85% 1st year with 15% yr 2, 13% yr 3, 10% years 4-9, 5% yr 10, and 1.40% yrs 11+.
I do like the way they make it up to you in subsequent years.
Sons of Norway should pay out 90%, but I have to double-check that.
Trans pays 54% 1st year with a bonus of 34%, 10% 2nd year, 6% 3rd & 4th years, 20% year 5, 2.50% years 6-10.
Prosperity is there, but they never have gotten back to me on exactly how they pay. I'll have to find out.
These are all street levels and you can certainly get more with production.