Anyone with Ritter?

Primarily NY, I am interested in selling over the phone only, so, selling across state line shouldn't been an issue.

Call me if interested. I've been doing FE tele sales since 2005. I'm pretty sure I have more FE tele sales presentations under my belt than anyone else on this forum.
Greg...252-292-3350 9am est - 7pm est Mon thru Sat.
Anyone else that is a MGA for FE, (when I sign with you, you will make money, so, let get straight to the point, I want an online platform to submit app, like iGo, & decent GRID, right now, a guys told me he make 60(NY) and is giving give me 15% (for each case I am referring to him), but I think now, may be worth my while to hire a staffs to do these cases ourselve. We sell health insurance online, has been doing very well in NY area(as we are ranking 1, 2 or 3 on Google for many Chinese keywords here), and come across many uninsurable (from selling health insurance). I also enclosed my checks deposits, so I don't have to entertain those 30-50% payout, really not that interested in wasting each other time.

If you have SEMRush or similar SEO tools, feel free to check us out (i.e. our daily traffics) yourself

專長新移民癌症,新冠肺炎醫療和跨國公司健康險 --- 谷歌4.9高評


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New York is different, as you probably know.

It still differs by company, but to give you an example, Foresters is 85% 1st year with 15% yr 2, 13% yr 3, 10% years 4-9, 5% yr 10, and 1.40% yrs 11+.

I do like the way they make it up to you in subsequent years.

Sons of Norway should pay out 90%, but I have to double-check that.

Trans pays 54% 1st year with a bonus of 34%, 10% 2nd year, 6% 3rd & 4th years, 20% year 5, 2.50% years 6-10.

Prosperity is there, but they never have gotten back to me on exactly how they pay. I'll have to find out.

These are all street levels and you can certainly get more with production.

Todd King, congradulation, your website traffics increase 126% from...
If anyone are doing FE in NY, I am so far, only been able to work with TransAmeria here, would like to have more options, but NYC, is really going downhill, in general, I hope we are not going back to Dinkins...

David Dinkins - Wikipedia

Unfortunately, Sons of Norway just halted recruiting for a bit or I could set you up with them. Other than that, you have Foresters and Prosperity. We have both of those companies.

If you need those contracts, just give us a call.
I would recommend an organization that would offer hands-on and final expense support, an opportunity to ride with a producer and see how it actually works in the field. I'm sure Ritter is a great organization but I imagine there's probably no culture, no community, and no one that's out there doing it that will be there to take your call when you need help.
Do you know of an organization that does this type of shadow training? I would be very interested.