Anyone Work for Ameri-life?

I Have To Be Honest, Ive Seen So Many Good Agents Come N Go At Amerilife... Yes They Have Set Appointments But The Appointment Setters, 90% Are Garbage I Should Know I Was 1 That Was Actually Good, They Are Some Of The Diriest People In The Game, Seniors Hate Amerilife So Much That They Had To Change The Script Just To Be Able To Set Appointments, Ive Heard That They Pay The Lowest Commisions And They Are The Most Back Stabbing Co-workers... Any Odf Them Would Throw You Under The Bus For $1.00 No Questions Asked! N For Mr Drain Or Whatever His Name Is (dave) Hes A Top Dog At Amerilife So Ofcourse He Will Speak Highly Of The Company The Truth Is They Have Crappy Appointments And Crappier Cut- Throat Agents With Only A Handful Of Good Agents, They Have An Agent There That Is So Bad That Seniors That Will Call N Ask That Agent Plz Not To Come Because They Have Been So Insulted N Screwed Over By The Agent... Amerilife Needs To Step It Up 110 %
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Landandseadog.... I Know Alot About Ameri-life... U Should Speak With Me
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I Have To Be Honest, Ive Seen So Many Good Agents Come N Go At Amerilife... Yes They Have Set Appointments But The Appointment Setters, 90% Are Garbage I Should Know I Was 1 That Was Actually Good, They Are Some Of The Diriest People In The Game, Seniors Hate Amerilife So Much That They Had To Change The Script Just To Be Able To Set Appointments, Ive Heard That They Pay The Lowest Commisions And They Are The Most Back Stabbing Co-workers... Any Odf Them Would Throw You Under The Bus For $1.00 No Questions Asked! N For Mr Drain Or Whatever His Name Is (dave) Hes A Top Dog At Amerilife So Ofcourse He Will Speak Highly Of The Company The Truth Is They Have Crappy Appointments And Crappier Cut- Throat Agents With Only A Handful Of Good Agents, They Have An Agent There That Is So Bad That Seniors That Will Call N Ask That Agent Plz Not To Come Because They Have Been So Insulted N Screwed Over By The Agent... Amerilife Needs To Step It Up 110 %
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Landandseadog.... I Know Alot About Ameri-life... U Should Speak With Me

I know of an agent in an office who is rolling other agents business...seems to be sanctioned as his hands have not been slapped yet.... other agents are upset to say the least...especially when it is their business..this is called churning and is illegal...guess Amerilife doesn't give a @#@# since its about numbers. Idiots.
I work for Amerilife in the office, so I basically see everything, and I can say firsthand that alot of ex agents on here are just pissed about their own stupidity. First of all, same with any business, each office is different, so i really cant speak for every office, but i know our office has the best atmosphere i've ever seen at any job ever. when i met everyone at our corporate events, it was a generally great crowd. everyone had good spirits and got along great. i've never seen such support and teamwork that the offices show with any other company. i'm basically in control of the leads for our office, so some of you that say they are "crappy leads anyway" yada yada yada, heres the way it really works, at least in our office. we have telemarketers that set appointments for you, and yes, some may not be "good leads" but do you have any idea how difficult it is for the telemarketers to judge if a customer has alzheimers or money? they have a list in front of them, thats it. they dont know if the customer is poor, this is just unfortunately the way it is, with any business, you take the good with the bad. thats why we have other methods of obtaining leads, such as mailer cards, where customers respond they are interested, we have seminars, which filter through and have only the best leads invited, and you cant say "the managers" steal your money, because i know my general manager would never do that. usually he shares and splits more than he should, i know i wouldnt split some of the sales he has! everyone here is more than generous, and the comments about "they own your clients, and you cant take them with you when you leave" ... duh! amerilife paid for you to get those leads, and its also a hugh conflict marketing wise. cell phone companies have similar concepts that you cant work for one cellphone company and then work for another right away. its just business, its called being smart. you didnt find those leads, they were given to you, and paid for by amerilife. i also read a post about having to attend daily morning meetings, those are mandatory , thats right. there are several reasons, for one, how else are you going to get your leads for the day? i know i'm not going to email and text each and every one of our agents to give them leads for the next day, that would take all night! also, we constantly have things that agents need to follow up on or take care of that we need them to be here so we can give them the information. its called being more efficient. plans and rates are constantly changing with as many plans as we sale, thats another reason that we have training included in that meeting each morning, and it helps you also become a better salesman. just think about it people, people wouldnt be working with amerilife 10/15 or more years just because. there must be something good there! dont knock it til you try it!
I Have To Be Honest, Ive Seen So Many Good Agents Come N Go At Amerilife... Yes They Have Set Appointments But The Appointment Setters, 90% Are Garbage I Should Know I Was 1 That Was Actually Good, They Are Some Of The Diriest People In The Game, Seniors Hate Amerilife So Much That They Had To Change The Script Just To Be Able To Set Appointments, Ive Heard That They Pay The Lowest Commisions And They Are The Most Back Stabbing Co-workers... Any Odf Them Would Throw You Under The Bus For $1.00 No Questions Asked! N For Mr Drain Or Whatever His Name Is (dave) Hes A Top Dog At Amerilife So Ofcourse He Will Speak Highly Of The Company The Truth Is They Have Crappy Appointments And Crappier Cut- Throat Agents With Only A Handful Of Good Agents, They Have An Agent There That Is So Bad That Seniors That Will Call N Ask That Agent Plz Not To Come Because They Have Been So Insulted N Screwed Over By The Agent... Amerilife Needs To Step It Up 110 %
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Landandseadog.... I Know Alot About Ameri-life... U Should Speak With Me

Rhodes' scholar!!!

I work for Amerilife in the office, so I basically see everything, and I can say firsthand that alot of ex agents on here are just pissed about their own stupidity. First of all, same with any business, each office is different, so i really cant speak for every office, but i know our office has the best atmosphere i've ever seen at any job ever. when i met everyone at our corporate events, it was a generally great crowd. everyone had good spirits and got along great. i've never seen such support and teamwork that the offices show with any other company. i'm basically in control of the leads for our office, so some of you that say they are "crappy leads anyway" yada yada yada, heres the way it really works, at least in our office. we have telemarketers that set appointments for you, and yes, some may not be "good leads" but do you have any idea how difficult it is for the telemarketers to judge if a customer has alzheimers or money? they have a list in front of them, thats it. they dont know if the customer is poor, this is just unfortunately the way it is, with any business, you take the good with the bad. thats why we have other methods of obtaining leads, such as mailer cards, where customers respond they are interested, we have seminars, which filter through and have only the best leads invited, and you cant say "the managers" steal your money, because i know my general manager would never do that. usually he shares and splits more than he should, i know i wouldnt split some of the sales he has! everyone here is more than generous, and the comments about "they own your clients, and you cant take them with you when you leave" ... duh! amerilife paid for you to get those leads, and its also a hugh conflict marketing wise. cell phone companies have similar concepts that you cant work for one cellphone company and then work for another right away. its just business, its called being smart. you didnt find those leads, they were given to you, and paid for by amerilife. i also read a post about having to attend daily morning meetings, those are mandatory , thats right. there are several reasons, for one, how else are you going to get your leads for the day? i know i'm not going to email and text each and every one of our agents to give them leads for the next day, that would take all night! also, we constantly have things that agents need to follow up on or take care of that we need them to be here so we can give them the information. its called being more efficient. plans and rates are constantly changing with as many plans as we sale, thats another reason that we have training included in that meeting each morning, and it helps you also become a better salesman. just think about it people, people wouldnt be working with amerilife 10/15 or more years just because. there must be something good there! dont knock it til you try it!

Rocket scientist!!!
I stayed out of this thread until now because trying to define AmeriLife has been like nailing Jello to the wall. I think I have resolved it with a little research, and I may be wrong, but here's my 2 cents (with tax $2.95 :laugh:):

AmeriLife Group, LLC consists of---

> AmeriLife Career Agencies: 57 Offices Nationwide and over 1200 agents who WORK for them (employees).

> AmeriLife National Agency: 9 National Marketing Companies, over 130,000 independent agents contracted (1099, NOT employees).

> AmeriLife First Financial, LLC: 0ver 85 Offices (2008) and growing.

> AmeriLife Product Development: 4 Product Development companies, 33 Proprietary Products (2008) and growing... (you may have one of them and not know it - Gerber, for example)

> AmeriLife Insurance Administrator, LLC: TPA... (you may have been processed through them (licensing, appointment, etc) for another agency or carrier and not known it)

> AmeriLife Finance Company: A money source for AmeriLife Group, LLC

> and finally, AmeriPlus Network Services, LLC, a Health Provider Network.

Under the National Agency, they have gobbled up a number of large agencies. (e.g. Precision Senior Marketing, Precision Insurance Partners, etc.) So you may have a contract with PSM, but it is ultimately an AmeriLife contract and so forth and so on.

To proceed on with this thread, I would ask that comments be focused on which part of AmeriLife Group you are complaining about.... it would do more to identify the problem area than just accusing every division when, in fact, only one area is the problem. Anyone who has ever worked for a large conglomerate will tell you that there is always a nest of snakes somewhere, but it doesn't do any good to strike out at the parent company when the nest is hiding under one cover and not the other. The difference is often with middle management in one branch...

<MoneyMan has a good insightful post just above.>

Amerilife Carrer Agents are also 1099 paid and considered "Independent Contractors" that is why the class-action is being brought up. They consider us employees with the mandatory hours and meetings, but call us self-employed for taxes.
I work for Amerilife in the office, so I basically see everything, and I can say firsthand that alot of ex agents on here are just pissed about their own stupidity. First of all, same with any business, each office is different, so i really cant speak for every office, but i know our office has the best atmosphere i've ever seen at any job ever. when i met everyone at our corporate events, it was a generally great crowd. everyone had good spirits and got along great. i've never seen such support and teamwork that the offices show with any other company. i'm basically in control of the leads for our office, so some of you that say they are "crappy leads anyway" yada yada yada, heres the way it really works, at least in our office. we have telemarketers that set appointments for you, and yes, some may not be "good leads" but do you have any idea how difficult it is for the telemarketers to judge if a customer has alzheimers or money? they have a list in front of them, thats it. they dont know if the customer is poor, this is just unfortunately the way it is, with any business, you take the good with the bad. thats why we have other methods of obtaining leads, such as mailer cards, where customers respond they are interested, we have seminars, which filter through and have only the best leads invited, and you cant say "the managers" steal your money, because i know my general manager would never do that. usually he shares and splits more than he should, i know i wouldnt split some of the sales he has! everyone here is more than generous, and the comments about "they own your clients, and you cant take them with you when you leave" ... duh! amerilife paid for you to get those leads, and its also a hugh conflict marketing wise. cell phone companies have similar concepts that you cant work for one cellphone company and then work for another right away. its just business, its called being smart. you didnt find those leads, they were given to you, and paid for by amerilife. i also read a post about having to attend daily morning meetings, those are mandatory , thats right. there are several reasons, for one, how else are you going to get your leads for the day? i know i'm not going to email and text each and every one of our agents to give them leads for the next day, that would take all night! also, we constantly have things that agents need to follow up on or take care of that we need them to be here so we can give them the information. its called being more efficient. plans and rates are constantly changing with as many plans as we sale, thats another reason that we have training included in that meeting each morning, and it helps you also become a better salesman. just think about it people, people wouldnt be working with amerilife 10/15 or more years just because. there must be something good there! dont knock it til you try it!
Oh my, I hope you aren't in charge of anything important. You must be new and not informed of everything yet. Don't worry sweetheart, you'll see what we're talking about.:yes:
Amerilife Carrer Agents are also 1099 paid and considered "Independent Contractors" that is why the class-action is being brought up. They consider us employees with the mandatory hours and meetings, but call us self-employed for taxes.

In the insurance business there is an important thing you must have, activity and you must be held accountable for that. If you don't have activity, then you don't have production. If you don't have production, you don't have income. If you don't have income, you come on these forums and anywhere else griping and moaning how the world is against you and it isn't your fault.
Almost all insurance agents are 1099, not employees. Usually only upper management (that don't go in the field) or office managers (that rarely go in the field) are employees. This is a captive agency model of course, but 1099 is because you are not an employee, they aren't "treating" you like employees, they are treating you like agents.
It sounds like they are have the morning meetings to hold the agents accountable for their activity and to make them more productive. That is a good business model for a captive agency. Without a system or some structure then you have agents just running wild and no clue what's going on, not having any training and not honing their skills. Training is very important in the business, as is activity. Without training you a like a chicken running around with its head cut off, soon enough it dies....get my point? Start owning up to the fact that you might just suck as an agent and need to find a different career or just find a better place to work and leave Amerilife the hell alone. Grow up and act your age and make some money selling insurance and not slandering on an insurance forum.
Yeah I could've typed paragraphs, but I was being lazy. Its not like I'm being tested for proper writing skills, and no, I'm not new, I've worked here almost a year now.