Anyone Work for Ameri-life?

i had a friend that used these guys. WHAT A MISTAKE!!! He was locked in for too long and they never treated him like a person. the only thing good that came out of it was they showed him a good annuity appointment company just before he got out. usf marketing or ufs marketing or something. He has written quite a bit of business off these appointments. He said he would never tell anyone to go to amerilife and STAY AWAY!
I used to work for Ameri-life, had very negative experience and I would not advise to anyone to repeat it. Stay away, you will loose 100 more than earn. Seriously.:D
Amerilife is a VERY reputable company sales isn't for everyone but that doesn't mean it was a scam...I have worked for several and these guys are #1
i cant understand why people think it is ok to put a company down. i bet when the company was paying comission you did not think twice about cashing the check that was written to you or when a bonus was paid out "did you think about giving it back". your answer probably no because it is called a business not a friendhsip. those feeling should develop after work. do you think you should work independent if you want a paycheck ever week no because working for amerilife is not a nine to five job where you have to make known where you work everyday. you dont have to clock in and out and have someone watching you every moment. so if you cant control yourself why working independent why put yourself through it. because amerilife is for people who want a career and not a job. i understand people should not get talked to any kind of way but you also have a backbone to stand up for yourself and not be someone target. dont put yourself in situation that would cause you to have to make comments like this about any insurance company. you work for a company and comission are paid and you leave with chargeback then who do you think should pay it back. just saying if you dont like a company then leave dont dewell on the past move forward to new goal. keep yourself motivatived about what you want out of life. make everyday count for you now, not for what happen in the past. stay stong because time is getting short and if you complain why pray about certain situation. give it to someone bigger the me and you "the almighty" and move on. much love to everyone sorry you have to go throw thing of this nature but one day it will get brighter!!!!!!!!!!
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as for david rainwater he is the president of amerilie and his opinions have no merit he has a child with a former clients daughter so that shows you how low he might stoop they lock you in with there empty promises and substandard pay run as fast as you can from this company as for me i worked with them for several years and ever since i left im making a great living as well as doing a good job for my client without a senior agent coming behind me to steal my business and go ahead keep having sex with your branch leaders with the promise that youll make them in to something who's an *** now beeeeeeeitch

You're an ***, get a life. You are and will always be a negative ass!!

You need to quit pointing your finger at other people and look in the mirror.

The only person responsible for your success or failures is the person in the mirror.[/quote]
Cry me a river all you whiny brats who could not make your career work at Amerilfe. While the rest of us loyal agents who reap the benefits of such a company enjoy life, feel free to sit back and type away your bitter grapes of how and why YOU could not make it work. You must have been a miserable turd to not have have them bend over backwards to help YOU fulfill your goals..
I have been there two decades and they have been nothing but wonderful to me. You've got to give to get.. and the only thing you spoiled brats know what to give is excuses.
Someone in your forum should have the good sense to remove this ridiculous link from your site. what a bunch of yimmer yammer.. and most not true.
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just figured it out.. you must have been bitter sitting in the back of the room eating your beans while the rest of us successful agents were wiping lobster and steak off of chins before walking across the stage to receive our incredible bonus checks.. it all makes sense now..
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Someone in your forum should have the good sense to remove this ridiculous link from your site. what a bunch of yimmer yammer.. and most not true.
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just figured it out.. you must have been bitter sitting in the back of the room eating your beans while the rest of us successful agents were wiping lobster and steak off of chins before walking across the stage to receive our incredible bonus checks.. it all makes sense now..

Lobster and steak? I heard it was carrots and nuts...:biglaugh: