Anyone Work for Ameri-life?

I tried to warn you guys. No one listens.

More than one person had pointed this out, everyone thought
Franks a good guy what bad could happen......

AMERILIFE is what bad could happen.

You have no one to blame but your self for being stuck under Amer-Life You did'nt do your homework.

Most life lessons usally cost you a fair amount of money hopefully you learned a lesson
maalox said:
More than one person had pointed this out, everyone thought
Franks a good guy what bad could happen......

AMERILIFE is what bad could happen.

You have no one to blame but your self for being stuck under Amer-Life You did'nt do your homework.

Most life lessons usally cost you a fair amount of money hopefully you learned a lesson

I have no skin in this game...But did you or did you not get the commission level Frank told you you would get? Are you vested in your commissions and Are they paid direct with the carrier and not assigned and do you submit you business directly with the carrier?

The only complaint anyone could have is releases. Frank is not physically present to sign the release. Of all the people that promise releases are they direct with the carrier or do they have an uplines ever think what would happen if the past away?
I have no skin in this game...But did you or did you not get the commission level Frank told you you would get? Are you vested in your commissions and Are they paid direct with the carrier and not assigned and do you submit you business directly with the carrier?

The only complaint anyone could have is releases. Frank is not physically present to sign the release. Of all the people that promise releases are they direct with the carrier or do they have an uplines ever think what would happen if the past away?


All of Franks contracts are with Amerilife and based on Franks
production in order to keep him happy they would release an agent if Frank requested it. Now that Franks gone and Amerilfe
knows that they will not be getting anymore new agents,sounds like they are going back to the policy of no releases
Well they terminated me, since then and im at the new agency. Which is as good as I thought.

I usually do research but EVERYONE on here said Frank was the man to sign with. No one was said, "hey and btw hes with AmeriLife." Also just for the record, Frank warned me against signing with companies like Amerilife never said Ameri Life but described companies like it and said its better to go through Field something somethings, which he was. Also I was told if I wanted to transfer it would be done very easily.


I apparently fell through the cracks and was asking for a transfer at the worst time, I guess there last 2-3 months they were having issues.

I didnt write ANY business and its clear that I dont do good with cold calling. In all it was only $500 for leads, a dialer and Franks training and YIO.

Can someone tell me why its difficult to get a transfer request signed? Do all companies give you a hard time about it?
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Well they terminated me, since then and im at the new agency. Which is as good as I thought.

I usually do research but EVERYONE on here said Frank was the man to sign with. No one was said, "hey and btw hes with AmeriLife." Also just for the record, Frank warned me against signing with companies like Amerilife never said Ameri Life but described companies like it and said its better to go through Field something somethings, which he was. Also I was told if I wanted to transfer it would be done very easily.


I apparently fell through the cracks and was asking for a transfer at the worst time, I guess there last 2-3 months they were having issues.

I didnt write ANY business and its clear that I dont do good with cold calling. In all it was only $500 for leads, a dialer and Franks training and YIO.

Can someone tell me why its difficult to get a transfer request signed? Do all companies give you a hard time about it?

You signed with Amerilife, THAT is why you can't get a release. Of course, you could hire a lawyer, take them to court to force the release (and you would eventually win), but that's awful expensive.

I have no idea who "Frank" is. But if he worked for Amerilife, he is probably a liar, so what difference does it make if you contract through Frank, or Bubba, or Barak Obama, if it is ultimately Amerilife, you already know you need to run away as fast as you can.

The people at Amerilife are assholes, plain and simple. They will tell you anything to get you to contract, including lies if needed. Once they get you signed, they will attempt to control you in any way they can, and the refusal to grant a release is one of their techniques. Even if they won't let you sell through them, they still won't willingly grant you a release.

This is a big boy's business. Sometimes you get screwed because of what you don't know. But given that it was Amerilife, you should have known better than to ever have contracted with them. Always investigate your upline. Always ask if Amerilife is part of the company, marketing organization, etc., before you touch it. If they deny any affiliation with Amerilife, demand that they put it in writing. Did you know that the CEO of Amerilife (Timothy North) is now on the board of Woodman of the World and Assured Life? So even WoW is now affiliated with Amerilife. You have to do your homework, else you will unwittingly get sucked into the trap. And yes, some of Amerilife's "other" marketing names, like Brokers Interstate Group or Midwestern Marketing will lie to you and tell you that they aren't Amerilife, but remember, if someone is associated with Amerilife, he/she is probably a liar, too. So you MUST do your homework first.

Remember, employees of Amerilife are professional con men. They can spin a wonderful tale, and are trained to get you to fall into their trap. The next time you even catch a whiff of the Amerilife stench, RUN as fast as you can.
The poster above is clearly ignorant. If someone wants a release from Frank's upline, it will be granted.

Unless the requestor is as big an asshole as Me112233.

The poster above is clearly ignorant. If someone wants a release from Frank's upline, it will be granted.

Unless the requestor is as big an asshole as Me112233.


Part of your statement is true. The release part is not. I've been hearing from a number of people that signed through Frank not being able to get releases from Amerilife now that Frank is gone.
Part of your statement is true. The release part is not. I've been hearing from a number of people that signed through Frank not being able to get releases from Amerilife now that Frank is gone.

I've spoken with Anthony. If they want a release, they can liely get it.

But not if they are going to one of the people who are looking to steal Frank's clients. At least one of them is on a 2 month vacation from this site.

I've been hearing from a number of people that signed through Frank not being able to get releases from Amerilife now that Frank is gone.
I've seen several posts to that effect too. Rick?
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I've spoken with Anthony. If they want a release, they can liely get it.
I'm sure that's the case, but there have been several posts about "Anthony" not returning calls or emails. What happens then?
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