Appointment Setting In Exchange for Mentoring

I'm not understanding your question. I can answer 2 ways. 1. I would call your leads. 2. My other option I looked into is generating my own mail leads using lists ( example, court records of recent home sales with specific demographics used; married/ single/average home price of 100k-350 is middle income in NC). Also, I can track down people who are about to have or recently gave birth- ancient secret I won't reveal there.

I'm green to insurance, not green on sales or ways to generate leads. I'm also Sandler trained.
Sandler is great for the foundational attitude needed for massive success. All that's left is to know what you're offering and how to introduce yourself.

I've PM'd her to call me so I can share with her what I'm doing and she'll see the correlations between it and Sandler training principles.
I have a business degree with an insurance major. Something quite unique in the dark ages when I was in college. Computer rooms the size of a cottage. Massive cooling units dedicated to the computer room. Green bar paper about 30 inches wide. Hollerith cards.

You get the picture.

Or maybe you don't.

Over 40 years in this industry (almost all health insurance focused). Worked for an employee benefits consulting firm started by the former group insurance VP for a major carrier. Held various jobs as a carrier rep (group health and retirement plans). Regional manager for a stop loss MGU. Set up my own stop loss MGA and ran that for a few years before it blew up . . . no fault of my own.

Left the insurance business for 3 years. Sold home improvement, time shares, mortgage refi, carpet and a few other products for a few weeks at a time. I did well with most of these jobs but hated every minute.

Finally figured out, as bad as I thought the insurance business was it was considerably better than anything else I tried.

Came back to insurance around 2000. Did a few more things still trying to avoid my true niche. Finally found a home again in 2010 when I focused on Medicare. My only regret is the dozen + years I wasted trying to find myself.

I have built territories and companies from scratch. Earned a 6 figure income many times. Lost close to $1,000,000 when a carrier I used in my MGA went belly up. Almost got caught up in the tide but my hands were clean. Had years where I earned less than $1,000 for the entire year. Came close to filing BK. Just close, but didn't.

Been sued a few times but never lost. Spent close to $30k defending a malicious and completely bogus suit.

My life and career have never been dull but I never completely gave up.

Cal Ripken is my hero. Spent 21 years in the major leagues. Over 3,000 hits. Lifetime BA around .270. Over 400 HR's. Played in more consecutive games than any man before or since.

Someone asked him what was the secret to his success.

His response . . . "Show up"

This industry can be quite rewarding but also will beat you up if you let it. As long as you show up every day ready to work you can be a, regardless of how you choose to define success.

I share much of your story, including defending myself in court against a much larger foe. When all is said and done, this should make us better and more resilient. Instead I often see agents/people tired and disenchanted.

Start looking at things from a positive perspective. Every issue, problem, even catastrophe we go through makes us better, stronger. Eventually we should get to the point of "indestructable" vs "worn out". Whatever you do Ann, kick ass and take names.