Appointment Setting In Exchange for Mentoring

Life. Starting out with final expense until mastered and then adding on. Would love to use my 6/63 license before it expires in 2 years.
If you're starting with Final Expense, be sure to check out the Final Expense forum. It's one of the most popular forums on here, and a great place to pick up tips from seasoned agents in that market.
A 3 hour phone call last night with DHK set me on path. Made me realize that the world really is an oyster with so many possibilities. I plan to start with just one to get my feet wet as it seems all of this fits together like a puzzel depending on the client's situation, goals and life stage. I definitely want a mix of both. Starting out with FE would help me with immediate income. It's fast and 1 close. But eventually, I plan to offer a consultative approach for mid life clients. Does that make sense? I've got to baby step this or all my past work will crumble. My vision is comparable to a house of cards. If I just start policy slinging, I'll always have to look over my shoulder.
I think what pains me about the 6/63 is I had 7 weeks to pass 6/63 and life/ health taking each only once or I was fired. I was mentally exhausted by the time I took L/H. Wish I could do something with it in this industry just for the anguish I experienced. I've got 2 years before it's gone. I'll take the wait and see option. In hindsight,they should have made us all take our 7/65, but DOL and fiduciary laws were possibly on the table. And, still are as some states are adopting their own version of it.
I know what I'm doing with the 6/63. I worked for a large company that gave it to me. That is the only way I could have that registration. DHK is correct, that is very dramatic thinking unless you are purposely commuting fraud. If he was committing fraud, regardless of his licenses, that was the real problem to begin with. This isn't worth discussing.
There was an agent who got his 6/63 while working for Farmers. He sold 15 policies a week. He lied to his clients. He realized he was in trouble. He left the state and started selling in another state. Eventually he was found. He made so many mistakes on each policy by telling his clients they will be rich if they waited 5 years and took out loans on the policy where they would never have to pay back. He had a hefty $200k fine, lost his license for life and almost went to jail. Our office district manager was so upset because he was the one who thought this guy was going to be successful. I'm just saying that the 6/63 have more responsibilities and guidelines to follow that if your green in the business, it wouldn't be the first thing I would try to sell.

I get this vibe that Farmers agents aren't too bright. At least this guy "Zolondek" who cheated on an exam... an LUTCF exam.

Risking it all to have "LUTCF" after your name.

Proctor Fraud Hits Life Underwriter Exam - by Bill Singer, 917-520-2836

Obviously, I've written in multiple occasions that licensing isn't a test of competence. It's a test of being held liable for their actions.

That guy... was an ***. There are LOTS of idiots out there. Here's a list of complete idiots:
Individuals Barred by FINRA - A |

Now, if you CARE, and if you are CAREFUL, and if you take everything SERIOUSLY... and you take good notes... and you DISCLOSE what needs to be disclosed so that people UNDERSTAND it... you can do just fine.

But why do clients win lawsuits against their financial advisors? I'll tell you exactly why: The clients feel betrayed, the advisor isn't proactive about fixing expectations or other issues due to their advice, the advisor doesn't return calls... so things get escalated.

You've got to have a serious sense of responsibility and care for this business. And I spoke with @Ann norvell and she has that sense. I can hear it in her voice. There may be some advanced technical details she may be unfamiliar with, but she is serious and conscientious.
@ DHK.. LOVE it... the *** list. How the hell csn you cheat on that test??? They patted me down, made me remove every piece of jewelry I had. I'm surprised they didn't strip search me.

I wouldn't have to worry about FINRA, I have a husband in compliance.More worried about screwing up and having to face him. Just the thought sends shivers!!!

I studied my butt off for that license. I treat everyone I dealt with like they were my mother or father. That's what made me successful there. I've been offered a job with a few companies that wanted to utilize my 6 and I said no. That is my reputation on the line, as well as, my license and my financial future. I won't work with just anyone.
So I put myself on a deadline. I've got 6 mo to figure this out without an income. After that, if I'm not where I want to be, I'm going to chuck it all and build/ sell widgets.
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@ DHK.. LOVE it... the *** list. How the hell csn you cheat on that test??? They patted me down, made me remove every piece of jewelry I had. I'm surprised they didn't strip search me.

The LUTCF exams are done on your own personal computer with a disinterested proctor. I did one of those 9 years ago. My LUTCF exam was done with a co-worker who just made sure I didn't cheat during the exam. He signed in with a user ID and passcode and then watch me as I completed the exam.

Certainly not the same scrutiny as a FINRA license exam or even my ChFC exams. All of these were done in authorized testing centers, such as Prometric or PearsonVUE centers.