Actually that's incorrect. If you read your agent contract they send a letter stating that the agent has a responsibility to ask questions that may aid in underwriting such as "does the insured take any meds.",Also the letter makes it clear that the agent has a responsibility to do their due diligence even if such a question is not asked on the app. So for this example even if the app is not a final expense or GI where they wouldnt ask that question, whatever the app maybe, if the agent knows this then they have a responsibility to let the underwriters know. I had a lady that wanted a GI policy (which they don't ask for any medical info) and I asked her is she terminally ill. She said no but have Hiv. I called the underwriting and they said even though it is GI and her doctor doesn't declare her terminally ill they still won't take the app. So imagine now if I still sent in the app knowing this info and without calling the underwriter. If you don't think insurance companies can decline to pay a benefit or rescind a policy for the simplest things go and check Google.
I'm overly cautious when selling insurance. I knew an agent who is 30 years in the business and he would always tell his clients during the non-med app portion, "answer questions exactly like how I ask you and don't tell me more more than I asked because if you do I have to write it down." If I asked that lady if she was terminally ill and she said no than I am in the clear but because she added that extra piece of info I had to cover myself.
I'm overly cautious when selling insurance. I knew an agent who is 30 years in the business and he would always tell his clients during the non-med app portion, "answer questions exactly like how I ask you and don't tell me more more than I asked because if you do I have to write it down." If I asked that lady if she was terminally ill and she said no than I am in the clear but because she added that extra piece of info I had to cover myself.