Call Underwriting - Ask. If they don't tell you the issue ask which number question is the concern. Or did the script check pop something. Then Call the prospect. Explain that TA is ordering records and you want to get ahead of a decline and an MIB hit. You also want to be able to have other options available. Depending on the issue you may have another company that does not ask the question or cares about the issue.

If he balks at being upfront with you. NEXT!

You can write him with XYZ then QRD then ABC companies but unless you know what the issue is you are just spinning your wheels.

I would need to know more about his meds but but typically RNA would be the second choice.

They approve the craziest stuff lol

That was exactly my thought ... "when Transamerica says now, RNA says ... yes!"

Then I remembered these commercials from the nineties ...
