Arthritis Kits


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Apparently the arthritis durable medical equipment "stuff" is back. A guy came by my office a few weeks ago and said it was legit this time and the "kinks" has been worked out to get them approved and pay on them. I investigated the issue and it looks legit this time. Anyone else rememeber this topic last year? It seems like something that Medicare does not need to be paying for. I mean, an arthritis glove or an aqua therapy pad? Blows my mind that Medicare is paying for it all.
Apparently the arthritis durable medical equipment "stuff" is back. A guy came by my office a few weeks ago and said it was legit this time and the "kinks" has been worked out to get them approved and pay on them. I investigated the issue and it looks legit this time. Anyone else rememeber this topic last year? It seems like something that Medicare does not need to be paying for. I mean, an arthritis glove or an aqua therapy pad? Blows my mind that Medicare is paying for it all.

It was a scam then and it's a scam now. No self respecting agent would get involved with that mess. Of course, you don't have to be an agent to peddle that stuff.

I know several agents that did get involved with it. I don't of a one that got paid and I don't know of one that would do it again.
If you're a professional INSURANCE agent theN act like it.

When I call my clients I want them to KNOW that I'm calling them about their coverage and not some scam, MLM marketing opportunity, or to sell them AVON.

Any agent that does stuff like this needs to hit the exit door.
I have ran into clients who have done supplies with Diabetic Warehouse. I called diabetic warehouse to see what was going on and they said they only work with Parker & Assoc.

However, I will say that when I talked to the few clients who have done this, they said the person that came out to talk about arthritis supplies did not talk about insurance at all. So, they did do one thing right (mark this day down!)
If you're a professional INSURANCE agent theN act like it.

When I call my clients I want them to KNOW that I'm calling them about their coverage and not some scam, MLM marketing opportunity, or to sell them AVON.

Any agent that does stuff like this needs to hit the exit door.
I do not sell this stuff. However, if it is a scam as you say, why is Medicare part B paying for it? Yes, I did my research and there are a number of seniors benefiting from the products. Do I think it is right for Medicare to pay for a mattress pad? No. However, if an agent choses to sell said items, that does not make them unprofessional.
I do not sell this stuff. However, if it is a scam as you say, why is Medicare part B paying for it? Yes, I did my research and there are a number of seniors benefiting from the products. Do I think it is right for Medicare to pay for a mattress pad? No. However, if an agent choses to sell said items, that does not make them unprofessional.

How did you confirm that Medicare Part B is paying for this? Did you see the benifit statement from medicare?

I am following this thread and am also aware of the bad reputation/scam this has had in the past. Can just anyone confirm with medicare if this "kit" or products within the kit is approved with Medicare? :idea:
If Medicare does pay, than why would this be a scam?
The scam is when it is called a Medicare approved kit as no arthritis kits are approved by Medicare.

I was in a senior high rise and there was a DME supplier that specializes in bathroom supplies that was talking about arthritis kits.
How did you confirm that Medicare Part B is paying for this? Did you see the benifit statement from medicare?

I am following this thread and am also aware of the bad reputation/scam this has had in the past. Can just anyone confirm with medicare if this "kit" or products within the kit is approved with Medicare? :idea:
If Medicare does pay, than why would this be a scam?
I spoke with a rep. from the department on aging. A legislator from my town works with that department. Also, the person pushing the product in my state has a great reputation and did his research. If you dig deep enough you can find that Medicare part B IS paying for these products. I was really shocked. Again, I think it is something Medicare has no business paying for.
Arthritis "Kits" are dead. "Kits" that is. Medicare will no longer pay for kits because kits included items that were unnecessary. For an example, if all a person needed was a right knee brace, the kit would come with both knees, back, shoulder, elbows, gloves, foot wraps etc. CMS put an end to Kits. But you can still sell what ever the person needs. I sell products for a DME company depending on what the client needs. If they have a lumbar issue, I sell them the back brace. Carpel tunnel, the wrist brace, gout, the foot wraps. I make 10% on what ever they need. The 10% is based on what Medicare pays. Medicare typically pays $980 or so for a back brace I'm told.
Now if the person has a MA, they will bill the MA company. Of course, the MA company will only cover 80%. The 20% will be billed to the customer unless the customer signs a financial hardship form. If a person has Medicare/Med Supp, then the Med Supp is billed the 20%.
This is totally legit, You fill out a form, send it to their doctor, who prescribes it, send it to the DME company, they ship the merchandise to you, and you the agent delivers the equipment and get a signature for receipt of product.
As for the AVON crack, I have my clients calling me for these products. Seems as a doctor told them to call their insurance agent about them. I will supply my clients any thing that I feel will HELP them. I have added this to my life sales when it is warranted. It is of couse illegal to add it to a MA appointment (w/o a second appt). I know that there agents who peddle kits, and you can group them in with the MA agents who blindly enroll EVERYONE into a MA plans. But if you look for the appropriate opportunities, you will put some nice add'l monies in your pocket and help the client as well.
But Arthritis equipment is not dead, and it is not a scam, and doesn't have to be done unprofessionally.