Remember to order LOTS of 2025 WellCare sales kits …

I dumped Wellcare two years ago, after I had to help 3 clients file official complaints against the company in one year, due to being screwed over by them. I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot

How bout everyday, we each wake up and google wellcare, then click on all their top the paid ads. How much are those costs per click?

I bet if we can get a trend going amongst the agent community, we can offset the money they are keeping on our commissions.

If we can get 1M clicks per day, what's that gonna cost Centene?
I just tried to place my MAPD orders, but it doesn't allow us to order until Monday, Sept 30. 😕
What was the assistance? Service or money?

I started to say I couldn't remember, but I went back and found the email chain I had with them. I wish I also had recordings of the phone conversation I had with my rep at the FMO.

It was just before AEP at the end of 2015 and I was being told by Aetna that I wasn't ready to sell even though I had completed all requirements. My Aetna broker rep said it was because my upline wasn't contracted nor certified. Of course I contacted my upline and I posted the following on the forum:

My area rep finally responded to an email and said my upline (name redacted) needed to get contracted and certified. I find it hard to believe (name redacted) hasn't contracted or certified. Guess I'll find out in the morning.

The response I received from the FMO (phone call from my rep) is that I needed to remove the post and it would go a long way in them helping me get my contracting issues with Aetna/Coventry resolved. As if to say, we aren't going to help you unless you delete your post. I didn't delete it, I just removed the FMO name. As soon as AEP was over I moved all of my contracts to Ritter. And yes, the FMO did give me a release and Craig was very helpful in that process.

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