Assurant Individual/Supliment


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Does Assurant have an individual health plan that can include some sort of suplimental insurance to lower deductibles? I am not that familiar w/Assurant and a potential client asked me about it...
Is this what they call Coremed?

I see they have options for accidents and illness (among other things like dental discounts)...but what's the catch?
Suite Solutions. There's two levels - Secure and Select. Secure in a nutshell give a $2,500 - $5,000 or $10,000 accident benefit plus up to $250 per week of accident-only disability. Select soluctions adds critical illness and association benefits no one will ever use.
Thanks for the help chumps and john.

I think what is happening is that another agent is offering her the coremed plan with the select or secure option. What does this really give a person? The price is very low, even with the secure or select options added. Low means reduced coverage...

So I checked out the the coremed plan, and it seems stripped mental benefits and coverage does not cover work related injuries or sicknesses...yikes! What other benefits have they stripped out of this plan?

Do you guys sell the coremed plan?
CoreMed? No benefit for mental/nervous disorders, in and outpatient facility fees, 50% coinsurance on name brand drugs, etc...That being said, it's cheap. If you like selling cheap then fine. Hit Max or HSA with high deductible first. That being said I'm selling it when I can't hit a rate. Aetna's out of the ballpark. If I can't sell Copay Select (doesn't allow a deductible higher then $2,500 - HUGE flaw) then it is what it is.

Suite Solutions? I'm a huge fan and a lot of my clients have used it. It erases (except $100) liability for accidents if you cover the OOP with the proper amount.

I pair it with HSAs and it's a great fit.

For what it's worth, CoreMed used to have a 12 month waiting period for preventative but starting May it's 6 months.
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I think what is happening is that another agent is offering her the coremed plan with the select or secure option. What does this really give a person? The price is very low, even with the secure or select options added. Low means reduced coverage...

If you are not appt. with them you should do it ASAP and then you can show the client both plans and discuss the pros/cons and sell either one.

So I checked out the the coremed plan, and it seems stripped mental benefits and coverage does not cover work related injuries or sicknesses...yikes! What other benefits have they stripped out of this plan?

Where did you see the part about not covering work related injuries? I don't know texas laws, but if workman's comp is not mandatory and the client gets an injury, the insurance company should pay the claim.
How about NO coverage for work related injuries or illnesses...doesn't that alarm you? Am I reading this exclusion correctly?
How about NO coverage for work related injuries or illnesses...doesn't that alarm you? Am I reading this exclusion correctly?

Where does it say that specifically? Brochure, sample certificate of coverage, etc.