- 14,808
I just wrote my first few Assurant cases.. What kind of turn around time have you all seen with underwriting and getting paid?
As stated - 1 day to 2 months. My average case without any conditions is 1 or 2 days. My average case with pre-ex conditions is 4 to 5 days.
A hang-up will be when the client needs to call for further medical info. If you're putting cases in where the client has a pre-ex condition, count on Assurant wanting to talk to them. That's fine, but if the client takes a week to call in that's a problem.
When I get open requirements for the client to call what I'll do is call the client myself then three-way the call. Just telling the client to make the call then hanging up is an accident waiting to happen.
If an APS is ordered you're talking one month....at least. It's very important if an APS is ordered to make sure they're getting the records from the right doctor! Some clients with 2 or 3 conditions will see different doctors. The info they give to Assurant might be their primary care doctor when in fact they need records from his cardiologist.
Assurant will also accept records faxed in from the doctors office. So if the client has a decent relationship with their physician they can call and get the records faxed. Then you don't have to dick around with ESMI. That's the path I always take and very rarely does a doctor say no.
Another hang up in underwriting is failing to provide all the info needed. If it's high cholesterol did you note the last reading? Triglycerides? HDL ratio? Did you note the dosage and frequency of the meds?
You cannot provide too much information on any pre-ex condition. Another hang up with Assurant if you're using EASE is the client verification. I have all of my clients verfiy the app at the time of submission. Most agents don't and now it's 2 to 7 days to track the client down to get them to verify the app.
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