Assurant's Rates in Texas

So you're telling me you get what you pay for? Cheap rates = cheap coverage? Imagine that.

no because every thing is negotiable when it comes down to big hosp. bill's and if you understand that all health insurance is a membership card to get you into a private club they call a hosp......I also show humana one and united which is just as high if not higher than Assur....they are not buy those ether...if UC was in your state you would be singing a diffrent the 6 yr's I have had them on my family they have paid all my bills.....
The AIDS cap on Unicare is negotiable? The $360 therapy benefit is negotiable? $1,000/$5,000 ambulance is negotiable?'s a Chevy. Just call it a Chevy and that's fine. Too many caps for me. But that's just me.

What happens if someone has a reproductive disorder in 6 months? Screwed.
The AIDS cap on Unicare is negotiable? The $360 therapy benefit is negotiable? $1,000/$5,000 ambulance is negotiable?'s a Chevy. Just call it a Chevy and that's fine. Too many caps for me. But that's just me.

yes it is my assurant card.....60% rate increase after one year....the date on this card is before you even had your I saying things are different from state to state....btw my daughter has asthma and all her meds have been covered....

Back in '97? I can 100% assure you that Assurant rate increases now are right in line with everyone else. I know that for a fact since I've had agents in many states for 3 years - including TX.
Lol. Unicare is good coverage and cheaper than Assurant. Assurant is better and more expensive. The client isn't harmed by either company and part of the fun of being independent is selling what you like. After all, it's not like we're selling Mega or UA.
Unicare hospice $10,000 cap - no cap on Assurant

Hmmmm, seems like there is no cap on inpatient hospice care, but outpatient hospice care would fall under the home health care benefit of 160 hours.
Bottom line:
Assurant wants the high deductible business and wants no part of copays. Because they have less policy caps than most carriers, their HSA rates will be tad more but for a better plan with Secure Solutions to boot.

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