Bankers Life and Casualty?

Re: Bankers Life and Casuality

TL, what are you talking about? He could have been BLC's next 175K first year producer!
Re: Bankers Life and Casuality ?????????????

Part of the fun is getting there, We have all had good and bad experiences.

The one who stays keeps picking himself up, and continues a foward march.
Re: Bankers Life and Casuality

And to add insult to injury, this morning I got ANOTHER recruiting email from BLC......being unemplyed sucks, but this is ridiculous!
Re: Bankers Life and Casualty not participating in crossover?

and when you leave, even before the door has completly shut they will have your client list and be handing it out to new recruits. so say goodbye to any renewals. And of course they are not to going to stop automatic claim payments, that would be suicide.

And of course say goodbye to your renewals. :D
Re: Bankers Life and Casualty not participating in crossover?


I'm not having trouble "understanding" BLC's "claims". They aren't BLC's claims, they are the patients claims. The client is the one who approached me and told me they weren't participating in crossover. How would she know that unless she asked? In fact, she was told be 2 people at BLC this is the case.

I simply came here to see if anyone had heard the same thing. One person claims that it's true. For some reason, you seem to be getting your panties in a wad about it and completely taking things out of context.

If you don't know, it's ok to say you don't know. I didn't know and that's why I came here.

Also, the doctor is required to file with Medicare if they see a Medicare patient. I haven't seen anything that requires the doctor to file the supplement claim. And thus, the creation of crossover. If you have proof otherwise, please document it.

I'm with you, sman... I understand that the provider bills Medicare if the patient is on Medicare, and then the patient is left with the remaining balance. If he/she has a Med Sup, then that carrier picks up that remaining balance. To do so, either the client has to forward that remaining balance to the carrier, or in the case the carrier has agreed to participate in crossover billing, is done without the client's intervention. Not all Med Sup carriers participate in crossover billing.

The problem with MA plans, is that unless the provider's billing clerks know to bill the MA carrier, things can get screwed up as in what happened a lot last year. Provider's need to be educated that they are to bill the MA carrier, NOT Medicare. This should not be a problem if the patient presents his/her MA ID card, and not their Medicare card, so we start by emphasizing to the client NOT TO USE THEIR MEDICARE CARD. This is the reason CMS requires us to state that MAs are a REPLACEMENT for Medicare. If Medicare is not involved, crossover is not an issue.

This, then is a Med Sup issue, only clouded by mistakenly billed MA claims. Take it from there.
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bankers casualty and life

I thought I would post a new thread on this to get more responses. I am interested in insurance and currently do not have my license. I have an interview with bankers causality and life this week. I am just looking for someone to work with for a few months to get training and then go on my own. I have heard negative things about this company but wondering if it is good enough for training so I can go on my own? I live in las vegas so if anyone has any other suggestions for getting training for a few months, let me know.(I just want to sell health and life)