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It is hard to say what she was making as I did not ask specifically. I remember her saying that she left State Farm with a lot of debt. She had previously been an AFS and the Agent I worked for did not think that she would make it. There was a SF recruiter on my LinkedIn who all of a sudden became an Allstate Agent in Texas I believe. SF used to be the opportunity but not anymore in my opinion. They like a$$kissers and yes men... But those guys stop after the debt grows as in the case of the lady who left right after she got her contract.- Wow...that's sobering. Did your friend feel she would never earn more than she was spending? I find it interesting that she wasn't making any money for herself, but was doing well enough for the company to keep her on. That is definitely not a win win. Sounds more and more like that reported 80% success rate is skewed.
Yes, 80% is skewed as it takes into consideration the old Agents. They need to come out with one for New Agents only! Those old fat-cat South Florida Agents are suffering and Mama Mutual ain't caring much!