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people here dont know or care about the difference between ACV and replacement cost because there are rarely any total losses.
Bank is alright but commissions are ****...and getting people approved, you have a better chance of hitting the lottery.
They will care when you do have someone with a total loss. That is a very poor business approach. Sell to the ignorant masses. My office chooses to educate the client and sell the value of our policy and our expertise. We also are not competitive in HO, but we write it everyday, often when we are hundreds more on the package deal. It's why it is called a sales job. I had a client with a total loss last year. I can't imagine if we only had a ACV policy for competitiveness sake and I had not explained it to them.
Concerning the bank, you can also improve your percentages if you will develop a contact at the bank and learn how to work the system properly. I would venture to say, without any proof of this, that our approval ratio of applicants is not much different than any other bank out there. The vast majority of people have crappy credit and are overextended on their vehicles. I wouldn't lend them money either.