Becoming your own agency?

My apologies to all for breaking the rules of the forum.

I didn't read the rules as moonlightandmargaritas has pointed out. This is my first time on a forum and I honestly was trying help the agent who is looking to go out on his own which I have also done myself. I just a forum was open and free and a way to openly communicate with my fellow agents. I see now that I was wrong.

Guys, I didn't mean any harm and I am just a regular Michigan Independent agent who thought he'd try his hand at a Forum. I never before had a desire to post to or belong to a Forum but I came across Insurance Forums last week and I read some of the posts and I was excited about it. I thought I found a forum I was finally interested in.

I saw a post from a fellow agent asking for help and I responded incorrectly.

I have enough trouble in my life without the hassle of having my phone number spammed because I made a protocol error.

I again apologize to all and especially to moonlightandmargaritas for any offense. I am not a spammer and I don't mean any harm. It was ignorance not malice.

Please don't spam me. I will drop out of this forum and never belong to another. Of that you can be sure. I have surely lost my taste for forums with this whole affair.

I was just trying to help. I am a single dad with custody of my kids and I just don't need anymore problems. This would be a major problem for me as I have that number out to my family, friends, and many business contacts. I don't have a lot of extra time that it would take to fix the spam damage.

Very sorry for the inconvenience,
