Fex is like a needle in a Haystacks compared to the overall industry . As jd said few new agents go there . The vast majority of new agents go with the career type shops like Lh, sl , orca , senior select , naa ,Symetry . Here's the bottom line . To make a decent living after all exp's( lead ,car maintaince,gas , living exp's which might include $700 a month for health ins , chargebacks)you need to be doing $150 k premium min . Very very few guys like JD who have been grinding 10 plus yrs in this and never turned to recruiting . There comes a pt were most get tired of grinding day in day out and driving a ton . It's one reason I went big in Medicare . My renewals started in Jan and it would take me 15 years in Fe renewals to equal my Medicare renewals after 1 yr . But I got to hustle 3-4 years to get it to $15 k a month renewals . It's funny I get 3-4 layup Fe sales a month just of people calling me I sold Medicare to .