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Here's a list of products: About | BestPlanPro
Very receptive to adding new carriers & products. Sometimes its hard tracing down the information. If you want us to just add your desired product to the list, you can just add it to our feedback site (which is something new we're trying out): feedback.bestplanpro.com
Otherwise, if you want the carrier added sooner rather than later, you can provide most of the information we need and then it should be in within a week or so (bestplanpro.com/carrier-request) - there are some exceptions to this like if a carrier asks us to wait on implementing them for some reason.
Pricing won't change with all of these additional features. $59.99 retail, many IMOs have discounts though. If you reach out to BPP support we can get you a specific answer on your IMO/team. Also, we're open to creating discount codes for people who want to get their team on BPP – there's no cost to get that discount code created. Pricing is higher than both of those products. I'm biased about price, of course, and know how much useful info there is in the software as well as how much thought went into each decision as to allow agents to sell the way they like, but still be useful and allow for accurate calculations. Thought process was BPP should pay for itself for the year in about 1 month. At $60/month, it's about 1-2 deals which is lighter than average for people putting cases through (they tend to make 15% more during that 1st month or so).
Thanks again.
I am taking a month off so this is a good time for me to check this out.
I am not opposed at all with paying for value, if I feel the value. Adding term defiantly helps. Right now it is just $15 v $60. Because I have not tried it. I definitely will take a look at it.
I appreciate how you are up front with your answers. Lee