Best Way To Build My Business As A New Agent

Most start close to home - friends family etc. get the marbles out of your mouth and practice that way as much as possible.

all jokes aside you have to throw entitlement out of the window and get stone skin. You are going to be at the mercy of your prospects and will get a looooootttttt of NO's, just the way it is.

Then 5 yrs from now you will be cracking the jokes like these guys!!! GOOD LUCK
Thanks Eugene,

I won't be cracking jokes like they do and acting like idiots when someone asks a question. This is a place where people connect to help others....

And if 5 years down the road I can help someone start their career then I will...

Not act like as*hol** as they do...

They must be so successful that they have all day to post B.S. to other members...

Piss on them

Thanks for your input!
Thanks Eugene,

I won't be cracking jokes like they do and acting like idiots when someone asks a question. This is a place where people connect to help others....

And if 5 years down the road I can help someone start their career then I will...

Not act like as*hol** as they do...

They must be so successful that they have all day to post B.S. to other members...

Piss on them

Thanks for your input!

You do not know what you will be doing 5 years from now. If you are here you will have seen the same half questions dozens of times. And maybe have helped many more agents both on the forum and privately like we have. So when someone comes here and wants to dictate the answers to the half questions you wil roll your eyes as well.

I would suggest you reset. Or demand a refund.
Hey Wino,

All I asked was what type of marketing strategies do some recommend for building business in the starting stages!!!!

Is that a half question?????????????

These guys shouldn't even post because they have B.S. to contribute.

I dont see others rolling there eyes when I asked the question and they gave me some great input....

Those others should just mind there business and not answer at all...

But they would rather act like assholes and post things that doesn't help anyone and be sarcastic.

You agree with that???????

I am in the process of getting my Life / Health license and wanted to ask a question. What is the best way to BUILD my business starting out?

Dave Wolfe

Final Expense in Alaska? Buy Sell funding in Arkansas? Internet based? Face to face? Do you have a warm natural market with teachers? Are you broke or have $25,000 set a side? Do you have a finance degree?

What do you mean BUILD your business? Read your post again as if you are us and we have zero idea what you want.

What was your plan when you decided to get a licence?
Final Expense in Alaska? Buy Sell funding in Arkansas? Internet based? Face to face? Do you have a warm natural market with teachers? Are you broke or have $25,000 set a side? Do you have a finance degree?

What do you mean BUILD your business? Read your post again as if you are us and we have zero idea what you want.

What was your plan when you decided to get a licence?

His plan is to build a business as a new agent. Can't you read?


I will be selling Life and Health starting out as a independent agent. I have the luxury of working part time or full time with hardly no expenses.

I am making roughly $98,000 in sales a year and my wife makes more than I do working salary.

I want to get out of what I am doing now and start something new...

Yes I do have $25,000 to invest if needed....

I am asking questions on how other professionals build there business starting out as a new agent.

I don't know my target market yet.....