Gaining Credibility With New Prospects...
Here's a tidbit for new and old agents who want the lead pipeline full and overflowing...
Certainly you all have clients who think you're "godlike" in the insurance world !
Ask them for their testimonial ! Then compile these testimonials into your brochure, back of your business card, whatever...and watch your credibility/close ratio climb.
Check out my site and see if there are any pages that don't have testimonials sprinkled in there! The gal that's doing our senior markets is getting a testimonial from practically every client she writes ! That will be some powerful marketing material and it's all free !!
Here's a tidbit for new and old agents who want the lead pipeline full and overflowing...
Certainly you all have clients who think you're "godlike" in the insurance world !

Check out my site and see if there are any pages that don't have testimonials sprinkled in there! The gal that's doing our senior markets is getting a testimonial from practically every client she writes ! That will be some powerful marketing material and it's all free !!