Blog site recommendation

I like you blog, it is interesting. And all of this from Bob's basement??

The BMI article was very interesting. I've often wondered, how does BMI work with weighlifters/bodybuilders and is it an accurate measure or risk for muscle vs fat??

A guy who benches 320 10 times may have a BMI of 31, is he a risk for health insurance??
"And all of this from Bob's basement??"

Actually, I am moving as of June 1. I needed more space and Bob's wife stopped cooking for us in it was time to move on.

"wow...shocked to find that clients should move on unless their agent has 10 years of experience."

I have reduced my standards from 25 to 10. I may go to 5 by the end of the year. I thought that "10" number might look familiar to you.
wow...shocked to find that clients should move on unless their agent has 10 years of experience.
My license was issued 8/19/79. This means I now have about 29 years in this business (15 or so actually active).

So I've decided that unless an agent has 25 or more years with a license, he/she should not be allowed to contract with any carrier. I think I'll write a blog about that.

It takes that many years to know the difference between a good company (the fewer letters the better like UA) and company trying to charge you more for things you don't need, like comprehensive benefits.

I think this will effectively eliminate 99% of the competition in California. Today, California. Tomorrow, maybe Montana.

I don't think a client will want to read that I just made off the policy I just sold them. What's your opinion of this?

As others have said, if you are blogging to inform (attract?) clients, such information will be a turn off.

When clients (and potential clients) go to blogs they are looking for information that will help them. While certainly not the "gold standard", a blog co-authored by Hank Stern and myself is just one example of an information oriented blog.


Most of the blogs I see from agents have very little relavent information for the consumer and are rarely updated.
"And all of this from Bob's basement??"

Actually, I am moving as of June 1. I needed more space and Bob's wife stopped cooking for us in it was time to move on.

"wow...shocked to find that clients should move on unless their agent has 10 years of experience."

I have reduced my standards from 25 to 10. I may go to 5 by the end of the year. I thought that "10" number might look familiar to you.

Well, the upside is only 5 more years for me to go before I have something of value to offer.
Wordpress is really nice, I also set up a blog on At blogger they let you put google ads on your blog which can be another stream of income. Lot's of people don't like to use ads on their blog, the whole reason I made the blog was to drive traffic to my website so I can get quotes and make sales. What I'm saying is the whole reason for my blog is to make money, if I can make more money from different sources with the exact same amount of work than why not. I do agree that it makes the blog look a little less professional but people are still visiting and subscribing to my feed so I am happy with it.

If you don't like either of those companies just google free blogs and you will get about 40 different sites. Good Luck
You can also place ads within a Wordpress blog, however if you've created a blog to promote yourself as a professional, having it covered with ads might diminish the impression the blog would otherwise create.

Wordpress is the blogging platform of choice. Even though Google owns Blogger, they seem to give greater weight to Wordpress; which is generally agreed up to be more search engine friendly.

That to me gives Wordpress the edge.

Wordpress is more difficult to set up than blogger, which is a complete no-brainer, but with the proper tweaking, a WP blog is a search engine magnet.
I tried WordPress, and found it way too intensive and difficult. Took it off my site. Haven't blogged since. I'd rather send out a monthly e-newsletter using either Email Marketing Software Solution - EliteEmail or Email Marketing Solutions from Yesmail or VerticalResponse | Email Marketing, Surveys and Postcards for Small Businesses whichever is offering free e-mails at the time. As of yet, have not been able to burn through the Elite Emails, and have been VERY satisfied with their reports and ease of use. Haven't really tried YES mail yet, and think Vertical Response is another easy-to-use system.

I don't have the time, on a regular basis, to Blog.