Calling a fb lead, and the caller says they just got insurance


newer agent,. good imo, good training,, question to the pros.
When folks click on fb fe ads,, they go to a few different spots,,??
I called,,, wife answers,, says" I think my husband got a plan this morning,.? husband confirms this,. they both sound legit... I'm thinking replace,,,?? , maybe agent put them in a graded where a level might be avail. etc. any script to get there?? just mark it a dead lead??
It should be exclusive lead if it’s a reputable lead vendor . But many scum buckets who sell leads . But many of these clients fill out 4-5 leads online . I’d say the great majority of times since they just bought they won’t give you an appt on the phone . I’d still door knock it and act like you never talked to them .Tell them since they just bought there not obligated to keep it and they haven’t paid a Premium . Ms Jones I’m an independent agent and I represent 30 CO’s . Let’s make sure you got the best deal . If you did great . That being said some people who just bought can be resistant to listening to another pitch .You have nothing to lose
I don’t get that specific when calling to set an appointment so something like this doesn’t come up.
Mr Jones you recently filled out a little card that came to your mail box about state regulated benefits you might be eligible for . You said your age is 65 and your wife is 58 . Is this correct ? Great .It takes about 5 mins to see what program you qualify for. I have 10 people to see in your area tommorrow but I have an opening at 10 or 2 what’s better for you ? Speak slow and with enthusiasm.Your only job is to get the appt .
Like a charm . It’s all in your voice and enthusiasm.You deal with rich folk . I deal with those too but my scripts a little different.
newer agent,. good imo, good training,, question to the pros.
When folks click on fb fe ads,, they go to a few different spots,,??
I called,,, wife answers,, says" I think my husband got a plan this morning,.? husband confirms this,. they both sound legit... I'm thinking replace,,,?? , maybe agent put them in a graded where a level might be avail. etc. any script to get there?? just mark it a dead lead??

Great! What's the name of the carrier so I can scratch you off my list?
That's great! I have your other information on how people are now saving $4000-$5000 on their funerals along with the discounts on diabetic socks and shoes, discounts on hearing aids, and that free hearing exam once per year. Anyway, do you want me to swing by tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon with your free information? (This is using Legacy''s savings that's bundled with Sr Life policies).
newer agent,. good imo, good training,, question to the pros.
When folks click on fb fe ads,, they go to a few different spots,,??
I called,,, wife answers,, says" I think my husband got a plan this morning,.? husband confirms this,. they both sound legit... I'm thinking replace,,,?? , maybe agent put them in a graded where a level might be avail. etc. any script to get there?? just mark it a dead lead??

Sorry @PhxSunsFan, I got to that house before you called. I don’t do phone sales I DK them. Hopefully I don’t get around to any that you sold, I'm afraid I would have to replace them. I usually ask, "So, Mildred, this guy on the phone you spoke to, did he look like someone you could trust?" :laugh:;)

Just kidding :fibs:... well sorta.
Does this actually work?

I’m laughing . Your selling med supp that everyone needs and has to have . Of course you can engage them on price . A plan G with company A is the same plan G with company B .You see the massive penetration of med advantage . Guys like me are going to chip away at your med sup book of business .You obviously know little about the fe mkt . They filled out a card that 75% have no idea what the card was . Many think it’s something free . These people fill out 5-20 cards a yr as there bored . They get hit all the time by solicitors and ins salesman . My jobs to get in the house in 2 mins are less . You sit in your house all day selling on the phone as I’m in roach infested trailers and cat piss and dog pop on the floor . My friend actually sent me a pic of a roach on his arm last week .
I suppose it depends on your definition of rich.

If you came at me, or any of my clients with that line they would either shut you down or toy with you like a cat does a mouse before finishing you off. They are smart and don't play word games. You get to the point in 3 minutes or less before the trap door opens up.

Thats the exact line all successful FE agents use on FE prospects that are working FE leads.