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Calling Vs Doorknocking

there will be rude people who slam the door in your face.

This will make me unpopular here, but so what is new?

I find (you) D2D peddlers to be invasive and to be an assault on my privacy.

I'm sorry guys, but I didn't invite you on to MY property to ring my bell while I'm having lunch or having sex or giving the grandbaby (or dog) a bath or while I'm watching the game or reading a book or working in my garden or watching a movie or any of the other zillion and one things that people do in their homes and don't want to be disturbed by a pushy, uninvited (insurance) salesperson or couple of Mormon boys or the Jehovah's women.

If I don't give you the right to call me on the phone (via the DNC list) what in the world makes you think that somehow I've given you the right to invade the privacy of my physical home to disturb me? Where do you get that concept from?

When someone has a "no solicitors" sign over their doorbell, what do you do? I know what you do... you don't ring it... you knock instead!

You say that one knock a week is not a big deal. But in some neighborhoods its like three a day, especially on a nice spring weekend. Teams of salespeople (often for magazines or cable (DirectTV, Dish, etc.) are brought in by van and swarm. Sometimes I'll get two knocks from people of the same company not knowing that one of their drones called earlier.

I'm sorry folks, but I have to side with the "rude" homeowners here. You are not a cop or a fireman or a social worker or a utility repair person or FedEx or UPS or a mail carrier... you do NOT have a RIGHT to step on my property without permission and disturb me.

What sense of entitlement makes you think you do?
Luckily, most people don't think like Al. I started a business when I was 16 and worked it all the way through college, 90% of my jobs came from D2D. In over 8 years of doing it, I can count on one hand the number of people who were rude to me. Just be upfront, to the point, and make a take it or leave it offer. If you're friendly, no big deal.
Luckily, most people don't think like Al. I started a business when I was 16 and worked it all the way through college, 90% of my jobs came from D2D. In over 8 years of doing it, I can count on one hand the number of people who were rude to me. Just be upfront, to the point, and make a take it or leave it offer. If you're friendly, no big deal.

Agreed. Especially the non-pushy part.
This will make me unpopular here, but so what is new?

I find (you) D2D peddlers to be invasive and to be an assault on my privacy.

I'm sorry guys, but I didn't invite you on to MY property to ring my bell while I'm having lunch or having sex or giving the grandbaby (or dog) a bath or while I'm watching the game or reading a book or working in my garden or watching a movie or any of the other zillion and one things that people do in their homes and don't want to be disturbed by a pushy, uninvited (insurance) salesperson or couple of Mormon boys or the Jehovah's women.

If I don't give you the right to call me on the phone (via the DNC list) what in the world makes you think that somehow I've given you the right to invade the privacy of my physical home to disturb me? Where do you get that concept from?

When someone has a "no solicitors" sign over their doorbell, what do you do? I know what you do... you don't ring it... you knock instead!

You say that one knock a week is not a big deal. But in some neighborhoods its like three a day, especially on a nice spring weekend. Teams of salespeople (often for magazines or cable (DirectTV, Dish, etc.) are brought in by van and swarm. Sometimes I'll get two knocks from people of the same company not knowing that one of their drones called earlier.

I'm sorry folks, but I have to side with the "rude" homeowners here. You are not a cop or a fireman or a social worker or a utility repair person or FedEx or UPS or a mail carrier... you do NOT have a RIGHT to step on my property without permission and disturb me.

What sense of entitlement makes you think you do?


If someone was DAMAGING the front of your property, then I think you'd have every right to be upset. But if someone is thoughtful and friendly, they'll stay off the grass.

It's not as though they are "barging through" your front door and interrupting you having sex.

Here's what I DON'T like:

- Anyone coming after dark. I had a girl scout come up after dark, alone - without her parents! I told her that it's just not safe to do that! (No, I didn't buy. I wasn't about to reward that kind of behavior with a sale.)

- Ringing the door bell more than 2x, or repetitive ringing of the bell. That's just annoying and rude. (I had some kids do that once when they were trying to sell magazines or some other BS product. I yelled at them and slammed the door on them. I have no remorse for doing so.)

- POUNDING on the front door. If you're going to knock, have a little rhythm in it so it just "sounds" friendly. A variation of "A shave and a haircut" works just fine. (The same kids with the doorbell ALSO pounded on my door.)

- No identifying information of which company they're with - either a business card or an embroidered shirt. A name brand shirt or business card can help go a long ways to show that you're not someone just "casing" out homes to rob later.

- No visible solicitors permit (in my city, this is required). I ask this of everyone that comes to my door. (Hey, if I have to do it... I'm going to make sure that everyone else does it too.)

- Standing within 3 feet of the door. Stand back - at least behind the top step - and don't be so intimidating to the unsuspecting home owner.

- Be clean cut. If you look, dress, speak and act like a slob or criminal... you'll be treated as such.

- Obey and honor the No Solicitors Sign on homes. It's the law. Know it and follow it. (Businesses? Well, I've never seen one!) :)

If anyone violates these common sense rules of politeness... then they deserve every bit of Al's (and everyone else's) anger!
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Luckily, most people don't think like Al. If you're friendly, no big deal.

But it is a big deal. Why do you believe that you are ENTITLED to come on private property whenever you wish and disturb me?

You young guys have grown up with an entitlement mentality and you obviously take it with you into the field where you you feel that no one has a right to privacy because YOU have the right to deny them of that privacy... because YOU are so special.

Well guys, you are NOT so special. It is called PRIVATE PROPERTY for a reason.

Now see if you can answer this question: What do you think that reason is?

First of all, it is not private to everyone except YOU.

Second, it's called PRIVATE because it not only does not belong to you, you have no inherent right to violate its boundaries.

Finally, it is called PRIVATE because there is no reasonable expectation in law or even common sense that you have the right to ring my doorbell to sell me something.

I don't know how many of you have ever worked at night, or how many of you have been up all night with a sick spouse, child, or pet or who need their sleep during the day so they can go to a night job... but if any of you have "been there" when the f---king MedSup or FE guy knocks on your door (and they always pound on it) or rings your bell for two minutes and wakes you up... you will not be happy about it.

(And the first words out of the salesman's smarmy mouth is "I hope I didn't disturb you.")

And for all of you guys who believe that you are so special and that private property is no limitation on you, if a gate to the picket fence is locked and you jump over it to ring the bell, it is actionable as breaking and entering... so you might not want to do that (and yeah, has happened to us a few times over the years... teenagers selling magazines to go on a high school trip.)

Yes, sure... not everyone believes the way I do, but that is not the issue. It is simply wrong for you to violate the privacy of someone's home. What part of common courtesy don't you young guys understand? One day you are going to knock on the wrong door... and it will be your last!!!

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I agree with Al. :swoon:

I am mostly neutral when I answer the door. I have been in sales a long time. I feel their pain. However, That does not mean I want them coming to my door. Normally they get a "not interested" from me pretty quick. I may give them 15 seconds to tell me the offer. If they are rude or pushy they get me in their face. And I call PD. I'm a big boy, if I want or need to buy something I can go out and find it.

Our door has a large leaded glass panel so we can normally tell who is there. I have a wife and kids, I do not want strangers coming to my door. My 65# dog(big baby) can be made to act aggressive at the door with a command. Works pretty well at backing them up before I answer the door.

OK, little kids selling stuff are the exception. Especially little girls. They own me.
For every "Al" out there, there are probably 50 more nice people out there that may still say no, but I'm nice and so are they.

Hmmm... 1 out of 50... and I follow my local laws that gives me a PERMIT to ring someone's bell to offer to sell something...

I think we've got a winner here!

If you're not finding an "Al" at least once a week... you're probably not working very hard at going D2D!
I'm telling you; you need to see a doctor about bipolar schizophrenia (or whatever is ailing you) before the symptoms get any worse.