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Calling Vs Doorknocking

Rick somehow you are able to get to the heart of the matter.

Rick is here.


"For those who like that sort of thing, that's the sort of thing they like." - The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
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Wow. That's pretty high praise coming from what is basically a group of very conservative insurance agents, many of whom will vote for her if/when she gets the nomination (and I hope she does.)

I've been writing professionally (i.e. I get paid for it... albeit not much!) since 1969 when I wrote anti-war and anti-Nixon screeds for various pulp papers that sprang up around the country in that era. They used to be called "alternative" newspapers because they offered alternative views on everything from politics to fashion to music, etc. than found in the mainstream media.

A few of them are still around... and have morphed into free "news and lifestyle" or "arts and entertainment" weekly papers you see at coffee shops and health food stores.

I was never a good writer until I learned a not so secret secret... write like you speak. Speak your piece. Make believe there is a person across the desk from you and you are going to tell him what you have to say... instead of writing it.

If you want to learn to write (and anyone can) one thing I'm certain of. To be a great writer you must be a great reader. You don't have to read great writers, you just have to read widely.

The corollary to that is if you want to be a great salesperson you need to be able to talk about a wide variety of subjects. That is what reading widely will do for you.

I went to four years of college (U. of VA, 1969.) I leaned far more the following year when I was "isolated" in West Virginia where I was teaching 8th grade at the Diana Grade School (and hiding out from the FBI who was trying to find me to draft me) by spending the winter nights reading every page of every volume of... The World Book Encyclopedia (which I got from the school library.) If I had it do to over again, instead of college, I would have embarked on a two year reading program of the encyclopedia and the "great books" similar to what Mortimor Adler's program.


While college is as much a socialization and maturation process that helps stimulate and even create the "intellectual soul" a great deal of basic knowledge can be gained by just reading it.

When I went to college almost anyone could afford it. Not so now. Even the average state colleges are pretty expensive and the private ones are out of sight. If I were a parent today I'd think long and hard whether it best to send my kind to college or put then out in the work force for a few years and let them mature and then go to school. One thing I'd insist on is that that in high school they read a good encyclopedia... and at least the Cliff Notes to the major classics!

See...now that was a decently nice post. BTW, if anyone associated me with Sarah Palin, I would NOT take it well. She's an *** of the highest order.
Strange- I thought she was a person- one who has her own opinions, sort of like you. But why use cogent thought when de-humanizing statements will do so nicely, eh?

Not that I agree with everything she says, nor that she doesn't say things that are over-simplified etc; maybe William F. Buckley she's not, but trust me I've heard much more stupid rhetoric.
Is there anyone on my side here? Of course not. Why? Because one of my precepts is that the vast majority of YOUNG insurance agents are only concerned with one thing... making the sale. It is what they are taught... and having to live on 100% commission, as earned, it is part of the "breeding" process, if you will.

As one who is planning on this insurance thing as a second career, and one whose career now is to keep society in check, I will go on record as being on your side. I identify myself as being a Christian, and I believe I am to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. However, I do not believe that I am supposed to go to Al's house. I base this on my understanding that we are to follow the just laws of the society in which we live, commanded to even. In my town a solicitor needs a permit (visible) and another state-issued ID to be displayed upon demand. The law here states that a "No Soliciting" sign displayed makes the property (residential or commercial) off limits. Persons soliciting for religious purposes are exempt from the permit requirement ONLY: all other laws must be followed.

I am sure the laws are similar in your area, so the rights of your Australian Shepherd to herd the cats in peace should not be infringed. I am all for free enterprise and door to door sales. Working nights, I also understand the inconvenience that the solicitor can cause, and should it become an issue at my home, I will place the sign prominently.

Al, keep up the good fight and hearty debate. I do take issue with labeling Jesus as gay. I believe that goes against his teachings and the records we have; however, I respect your right to your opinion. I would even welcome you to my door to give it to me...unless the sign is out.
Right now Al has fights going on in three threads at the same time. He is a very busy man. Is it time for some more rest for Al?
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Wow! Did I call that or what! Al is on leave from the forum again.
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Strange- I thought she was a person- one who has her own opinions, sort of like you. But why use cogent thought when de-humanizing statements will do so nicely, eh?

Not that I agree with everything she says, nor that she doesn't say things that are over-simplified etc; maybe William F. Buckley she's not, but trust me I've heard much more stupid rhetoric.

Nothing wrong with her being over simplified or having her own opinions. The problem is that she's not smart enough to know she's not smart enough to be president. Either way, there are a lot of people that disagree with that statement and they're free to think what they want. (As is Ms. Palin)
It is amazing how we all interpret our reality differently.Most people do not like change;and many things are changing.As a people,many are isolated in their own comfort zone of reality.How we can market ourselves,is changing as well.
Twenty or so years ago,before getting into insurance,I used to sell many guys like Al. I used to sell Encyclopedia Britannica and the Great Books.We had mail leads given to us,and sometimes we did a live event OTC.I really loved that sales job.The computer killed that job,as everyone wanted to get a encyclopedia online.Now more and more people want to go online for insurance;and the government wants major changes.
I am a Christian who even voted for Nixon,but I must agree with Al about most of his rant.Fenced yard with no trespassing sign,he has a right to be pissed when they knock on his door.He just wants people to respect his privacy.We all want to be liked,but everyone will not like us. ----so what!

It is amazing how we all interpret our reality differently.Most people do not like change;and many things are changing.As a people,many are isolated in their own comfort zone of reality.How we can market ourselves,is changing as well.
Twenty or so years ago,before getting into insurance,I used to sell many guys like Al. I used to sell Encyclopedia Britannica and the Great Books.We had mail leads given to us,and sometimes we did a live event OTC.I really loved that sales job.The computer killed that job,as everyone wanted to get a encyclopedia online.Now more and more people want to go online for insurance;and the government wants major changes.
I am a Christian who even voted for Nixon,but I must agree with Al about most of his rant.Fenced yard with no trespassing sign,he has a right to be pissed when they knock on his door.He just wants people to respect his privacy.We all want to be liked,but everyone will not like us. ----so what! .

If you voted for Nixon you are about as old as dirt. 1972 was the first presidential election I could vote in.