Can I take the Life Insurance License Exam from Overseas?

Thanks DHK

My California Driver's license expired in March 2022 and I am registered to vote in California. But, it would be expensive and perhaps complicated to get the fingerprints (required for California) done overseas. There are other states that don't require fingerprints. So, doesn't it make sense I get a residence in one of those states and take the exam remotely for that state?
And, for whatever state I want to sell insurance in I can get the extension license for
Does that sound feasable?
If you want to sell remotely, I don't know how you could exclude CA. It's literally 15% of our population, and most leads have money.

As DHK said, once you get your CA license, other states like FL will accept reciprocity. The biggest states normally require fingerprints which is a pain but it is a huge percentage of our population and they're often the states with the ability to pay and need bigger policies.
Unlike FINRA fingerprints (which has been a long time for me), they required a police department to process their fingerprints manually. Plenty of ink on your hands afterwards.

FINRA now accepts electronic fingerprints through approved vendors. Just did mine last week.
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