captive to independent /need advise

Not getting in front of enough people is my problem. That is why i want to leave. The way i look at is, Why bust my butt for my RSM and spend my money to make him rich, when i can make myself rich. I am not kidding when I say I dont get any training from them.
Good question. When I first started I wore a suit. I had worn one for my full working career and I didn't think anything about it. It didn't take me long to realize that a "suit" represented authority to the vast majority of the prospects I called on.

The most productive areas in the state, and I sell all over the state, are the rural areas. Generally, suits just don't go over very well in rural areas. That was a little too intimidating for most.

I then started wearing slacks and a sport shirt. I did a whole lot better. Now when I go on appointments I wear a nice pair of Levis, a nice shirt and shoes. I buy expensive shoes and they are always shined. I have my Levis tailored so they are neither too long nor too short. I work out and stay in good shape. I feel that making a good appearance, one that they are comfortable with, is a big part making them feel relaxed around you. I think the biggest danger is "over dressing" rather than dressing casual.

Now when I go on an appointment I feel confident and I don't intimidate the prospect by looking like an FBI agent or a bible salesman.

Selling Med Supps in urban areas has never worked for me. I would starve to death if I was limited to selling supps in either Kansas City or St. Louis. It was always at least an hour and fifteen minutes to my first appointment. I love the country and found the drive very relaxing.

Yes, that is so much easier to read. Looks just like a real, successful insurance agent wrote it. :biglaugh:

Stank Nasty You can just call me "Stinkee" for short. :)

PS You can do newsletters yourself, you don't have to pay someone to do them for you. If you had a good Contact Management Program with built in Mail Merge :) they can be personalized and have the letters and the labels printed in just a few minutes. All you have to do is put them in envelopes and add the postage.
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hi everyone, i am looking for some suppport on converting to an independent agent in the senior market. i have been in the business 2 yrs. I sell medicare supplements, annuities, final expense, and some medicare advantage plans. Do i really need an office? What is the best way to get in front of prospects, cost and time wise. I want to keep selling med supps and annuities i dont really care for medicare advantage but i do sell to those who want it or cant afford a suppplement. What are the things i should watch out for so i dont make bad mistakes. by the way i live in indiana. I would eventually like to have agents underneath me.

You are the most needy poster ever. I think you should find another career. You are clearly not cut out for insurance.

When Hillary or Bernie get elected the $15 minimum wage should help you earn more money.

No one in that thread is still around except SAI. We know why Frank isn't but where did all the others go?
I really enjoy reading Frank's old posts. His advice is nearly just as on point now as it was then.