captive to independent /need advise

I also believe that it is very important to use your computer to your best advantage. Of primary importance would be a program that allows you to have all of your clients and prospects available at the click of a button.

The only reason that getting leads was not a major consideration when I went independent was that my Prospects Database was full of leads. Just because someone said no the first time you contacted them, that doesn't mean that they won't be looking and interested 6, 12,18, or 24 months from now.

"Recycling" your leads is very cost effective and greatly reduces your cost of constantly buying new leads.

There are many different programs for insurance agents on the net. Just do a search on Insurance Agent Software and you will see what I mean.

I have developed a program specifically designed for L&H agents. "Your Insurance Office" (YIO) is being used by successful, producing agents throughout the US and in eight foreign countries. There are even some members of this board using it.

Is it the only option you have? No. I would recommend that you download my demo and then download the demos of other programs and decide for yourself.

Of primary importance though, is that you do use a Contact Management Program regardless of which one it is.
from talking to you guys i am feeling more confident about going independent. I will call lists if i have to , it seems i do. i just get frustrated after being on the phone an hour with no appointments, then again ,when i was calling before, i was captive with not very many avenues. I havent seen a post yet on script for calling the list, do i have to figure that one on my own? I am very eager to go out next week. Do you think it would be wrong to go independent and stay with my captive company until they find out? i dont , i feel they have well my RSM has screwed me over on leads. he tells us to buy our own and call through our book of business. its a good idea but i went captive because i was promised leads.
from talking to you guys i am feeling more confident about going independent. I will call lists if i have to , it seems i do. i just get frustrated after being on the phone an hour with no appointments, then again ,when i was calling before, i was captive with not very many avenues. I havent seen a post yet on script for calling the list, do i have to figure that one on my own? I am very eager to go out next week. Do you think it would be wrong to go independent and stay with my captive company until they find out? i dont , i feel they have well my RSM has screwed me over on leads. he tells us to buy our own and call through our book of business. its a good idea but i went captive because i was promised leads.

I have called many times for several hours with getting an appointment. Discouraged is when you call all day and don't get one. Other days I make several appointments in a couple of hours. Welcome to the world of insurance.

I believe there is a topic dedicated to phone scripts. I'm not sure what the title is but I'm sure you can find it.

If you are concerned about having leads and don't feel that you can get them on your own then it may be a mistake to go independent. It isn't for everyone and the grass isn't always greener when you cross over the fence. It may just be the way the sun is hitting it from where you are standing.

You will have to decide for yourself if you want to tell them you are going independent. When I went independent I told them and thanked them for all their help. I don't like to burn bridges, I have had to re-cross some of them.

Your posts would a lot easier to read if you broke them into paragraphs and read them before you submitted them to make sure you are saying things clearly. The use of capitals would also be helpful, especially at the beginning of a sentence.

We all make typos and occasionally leave a word or two out so please don't be offended by my comments. I'm just trying to make suggestions that will enable us to more easily respond to your questions.
A little tough love .... If you don't even have a script you can use to call with how in the world do you think you are going to make it on your own?

If you can't make your own leads you are dead before you start.

Maybe rethink this and get all the training you can at MOA. Forget about getting leads from your boss. When you can make your own consistently then you will be a success no matter where you are.
Furthermore, if you are with MOA its easy to get leads by mining “PIPS” We used to say ‘thars gold in them thar PIPS’ and its true in a big way. Mine the PIPS and you will have plenty of apps in underwriting.

When I first started in the business, almost 20 years ago, NOBODY even thought in their wildest daydreams that somebody would provide them leads. 90% of your job is to make leads. Even the idea of getting leads from somebody else is a huge disservice to those wanting to be in this occupation. IF you are getting leads from somebody else you pretty much are their little slave to do with as they see fit.

If the idea of cold calling and not getting a appointment is distasteful to you then you best get your head around the concept in some other positive way FAST. Or get out now and save your credit from destruction. God forbid you have a family to feed.

YOUR JOB is to create leads from nothing and to protect and gather assets. The sale of intangible products is the most difficult type of sales. On the other hand if you will heed this advice and work your behind off you will build the greatest job in the world.

It aint easy, if it was everybody would have a book. Notice I have told you how long I have been in this business and also notice I told you I made 1200 dials last week. You see, long ago I realized I could not change the cold reality of what I wrote above. The only thing left was to change my mind on how I perceived the difficult process of prospecting. NOW I enjoy cold calling and I will always have clients and new blood in my business.

PLEASE know I’m not trying to be harsh. I hope this advice will help save your efforts.
Well i think i did need to hear tha, Gaddock. I guess I have been hoping for an easier way to get prospects besides dialing 1200 numbers. If thats what i have to do to make 100k a year, I will do it.

If i can't make it in insurance, i will be jobless! I love this industry. If it did fail independent i would go back captive. I'm not thst bad off, i made 45 k last year. That was my first full year there.

Either way i go i still need to make my own leads because thay aren't providing enough for me to make what i want. 75,000 would suit me. By the way, do you guys wear suits in the senior market? One last question... How do you do a monthly newsletter?

Is that better, Stank Nasty?
Well i think i did need to hear tha, Gaddock. I guess I have been hoping for an easier way to get prospects besides dialing 1200 numbers. If thats what i have to do to make 100k a year, I will do it.

If i can't make it in insurance, i will be jobless! I love this industry. If it did fail independent i would go back captive. I'm not thst bad off, i made 45 k last year. That was my first full year there.

Either way i go i still need to make my own leads because thay aren't providing enough for me to make what i want. 75,000 would suit me. By the way, do you guys wear suits in the senior market? One last question... How do you do a monthly newsletter?

Is that better, Stank Nasty?

OUTSTANDING REALIZATION !!!!!! You may have just found the gold dust that will sustain you for life! Outstanding.

YES wear the best suit you can afford. Seniors more than any other market grew up when people wore a suit casually. Look at how they dressed in old movies. Not only that it conveys respect for them and yourself as a pro.

PS Change the way you think about cold calling and those 1200 dials will be FUN & EASY.

If you cant change reality then change your perception and accomplish the same.
One last thought from the peanut gallery.


When you leave MOA they WILL FREEZE YOUR ACCOUNT for 6 months. COUNT ON IT. They will try to starve you out. If they can prove you are rolling business they may go after you legally. The point isn't to really prove anything but more to force you into paying for a lawyer as well to starve you out.

Get as much coming in as you can before they find out.

That sounds cynical but it is in fact what they did to me.

It didn't work and I took hundreds of thousands in premium from them for it.

Fair warning.
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Some companies i worked for said dressing casual made people more at ease. I have been wearing dress pants and dress shirt with no tie. I havent had any complaints but I might have lost some sales because of it.

I definetly want to send out a newsletter, If it doesn't cost that much. I definetly need help on referrals too.