Carefree Insurance Services

I did receive the full $455 on MAPD and haven't written any Med supps with CareFree as of yet. I primarily write my supplemental business with Cigna and MOO due to being some of the most competitive rates in OK. I will start writing AARP in AR with them soon, but know that it's a flat rate not percentage paid or advanced when writing business for them.

I was also paid directly by the carriers and received almost all of MAPD and PDP commissions beginning the last week in December running through the last week in January. It was really nice not having to wait like I always had to with BCBS.

Lastly, I never had to pay for the direct mail or web leads that I received upfront or by having a lower commission. However, I know that they request you to have a minimum of two contracts with them to begin getting leads. The quality of the web leads were about the same as Quote Wizard or Precise and you will receive them, as long as, you are closing a small percentage.
I just had a lengthy conversation with a Carefree rep. She was patient, knowledgeable, helpful, friendly and happy. Underscore knowledgeable.

I am starting my contracting with them now. Yes, it is hard to believe they offer all this. And she confirmed they pay what Ross1228 says above. I have spent time with other FMO's. This looks good, we shall see. Thanks all.
I would never represent an agency named after a feminine product, should have researched the name better. Carefree comes in a pink package.

And what exactly is your purpose in that curious response, Heather?

um having to say your with carefree all day long.. I don't know how you would feel about it since you sound like a guy but as soon as you hear carefree and your a female it brings up images of other things and its not insurance.
Why are you even commenting here? Did the Carefree Agency terminate you...with cause? I am done with this. Your posts will speak for themselves. You are harming other sincere agents looking for help.
Heather brings up an interesting point. However, just because you're signed on with an agency probably doesn't mean you have to use them in your advertising... unless you're using a template website and their marketing materials.

Words mean things, and society changes the meaning behind words. "Carefree" may sound like a great retirement planning firm... or it can mean exactly what Heather says.
I appreciate your view, DHK. The thing is...I am a senior "lady" who has even used that Carefree product. Never did that come to mind.

I don't understand why Heather needed to jump in here with that. Who cares? I am the one who determines the credibility and integrity of my work.

Am I going to go around saying I am with the Carefree Agency? I am an independent agent and I am with "my" agency, representing XYZ Insurance Company.
Okay, to me this is a waste of my valuable life. I will be happy to represent a nice, friendly sounding company named Carefree.