Chris Westfall -- "WING IT .."

If you aren't prepared to answer some stupid questions from agents, then you have no business with a downline.

Yes, you do need to train your agents to start looking up information themselves or calling the carrier, but it happens.
My problem when I was captive the last time was my upline (DM) calling me asking me if we could do this or that... Often it was the most mundane questions that he should have known off the top of his head.
You make me laugh with how much you enjoy gossip.

Actually I don't consider this gossip, although thats fun too.

We have a guy with information about an well known medicare expert that recruits and has a training site. I believe a business where he arranges philipinos to telemarket for agents. I think this information as valuable and pertinent to any value this forum can lend to the independent agent community.

Other than that, we can talk about transgender issues and how much we like each other here and let FMO's beat up on us. Damn I shouldn't drink during the day!
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My problem when I was captive the last time was my upline (DM) calling me asking me if we could do this or that... Often it was the most mundane questions that he should have known off the top of his head.

Now that is pretty sad when the DM doesn't know anything. Pretty typical at some captives, but still sad.
BTW, I have never been a fan of "Fake it until you make" but there is a world of difference between the Dare to Be Great guys faking it with their rented cars and mink cuff links and faking knowledge about the product you are giving advice to a client about. They and their families are depending upon you to get it right.
Mink cuff links? Wtf is that?