Probably a sweetheart deal, like a $5 fine and 10 hours of community service. White collar criminals always get to keep what they take and have lenient punishment.
I like to see 30 years breaking rocks, or the death penalty for the grief this turd caused.
So this means there won't be a trail, correct? I guess those victim impact statements were useless. What a joke. Wasting our time filling it out. And why is the plea deal sealed? There's no reason to seal it. We as victims should have a right to know the details. Must be some outrageous light sentence so they sealed it to hide it from us policyholders. I wonder whose palms he greased this time. What needs to happen is all his assets and property confiscated and sold to repay us policyholders. The US "justice" system is a total joke!
Our friends in Canada to the rescue

Only click if you have a strong stomach, its the US legal system at its worst

This scumbag is a total trainwreck. A criminal on top of having 8 children under age 7!!?? under his roof and a fiance with no visa living in Spain.
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10 Days out from November 30. What should we expect? Notification in the mail? How long should payout process take?