- 26,564
You have to have authority in the appointment from the start and you will always get the client to grab their policy. when I was in the field I would not even explain why. I would tell them to get it and they would.
So how do you gain authority?
1. Get them in the mode of getting up and getting things for you. If you do this correctly, you will get them in a habit where they don't think twice.
2. Use the consistency & commitment rule by having them do the easy thing for you first & the hardest thing last.
What does that look like? During your presentation, you'll have times where you'll need them to do somethings for you...
First you tell them to grab you a bottle of water.
Second you tell them to grab their medications for you.
Third, you tell them to grab their policy (if they have existing coverage). NEVER continue in presentation until current coverage is reviewed. If they ask why tell them you can't continue until you review what they have & leave it at that.
Forth, you tell them to grab a voided check.
Fifth, you tell them where to sign. (Always have them sign a paper app even if using an interview carrier. This will lock them in mentally.)
Mix the above with a presentation where you're constantly leading them to give you little yeses.
This is so powerful that I used to have people give me their social & even sign the app while telling me no. LOL
Telling must work because we hear about stuff like. Wiping your feet and pushing your way in, sit over there, get me water, do this do that.
You guys work with dumber people that I do.
My clients thank me for helping them before I leave. Sounds like some people make be thanking some of you for leaving.