Columbian Caring Solutions.


Still Here!
5000 Post Club
Niota, TN
This not a true FE policy but it is issued non-med ages 0- 60 in amounts of $20,000 - $99,999 using a fairly simple application.. Ages 60-80 require a paramed. The only reason, I mention it here is ther are times when the FE agent runs into younger folks wanted "burial" amounts.. The unique thing about the plan concerns their convertible Term to 65 rider.. You can issue the base plan on a young lady, one term rider on her boyfriend, another on her brother and a third on her mother. The insured and the boyfriend do not have to be married, the brother and mother do not have to be living in the same household.. The plan only requires the primary insured to have an insurable interst in the other insured and apparently hey have a very liberal interpretation of that. The other insureds do have to sign the app. The rider is fully paid up upon the death of the primary insured..

The primary insured can also buy the term to 65 rider on themselves.. This makes it possible to make a presentation, "You have heard of insurance that pays double if you die of Accidental death? Well, the plan pays double for any type of death prior to age 65"
There are a lot of people in FE style plans that could have easily have passed standard non med underwriting.

There is another poster that uses them. That sounds like the makings of an old school family plan.

This not a true FE policy but it is issued non-med ages 0- 60 in amounts of $20,000 - $99,999 using a fairly simple application.. Ages 60-80 require a paramed. The only reason, I mention it here is ther are times when the FE agent runs into younger folks wanted "burial" amounts.. The unique thing about the plan concerns their convertible Term to 65 rider.. You can issue the base plan on a young lady, one term rider on her boyfriend, another on her brother and a third on her mother. The insured and the boyfriend do not have to be married, the brother and mother do not have to be living in the same household.. The plan only requires the primary insured to have an insurable interst in the other insured and apparently hey have a very liberal interpretation of that. The other insureds do have to sign the app. The rider is fully paid up upon the death of the primary insured..

The primary insured can also buy the term to 65 rider on themselves.. This makes it possible to make a presentation, "You have heard of insurance that pays double if you die of Accidental death? Well, the plan pays double for any type of death prior to age 65"
There are a lot of people in FE style plans that could have easily have passed standard non med underwriting.

There is another poster that uses them. That sounds like the makings of an old school family plan.

Yeah.. But usually those were husband, wife and children.. Never known one in the past that would let you incude a boyfriend or girlfriend as an additional insured. Or other family members for that matter.

See potential for a mother that has an adult child or two that are not responsible types and she can't afford a lot of premium to cover them, etc.
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Yeah.. But usually those were husband, wife and children.. Never known one in the past that would let you incude a boyfriend or girlfriend as an additional insured. Or other family members for that matter.

Yeah, that sounds good. I would assume you could do grandma and rider the grandkids.

Yeah, that sounds good. I would assume you could do grandma and rider the grandkids.


Had that on mind, but it would have to be adult grandchildren as the OIR only goes down to age 18. They have a children's rider but then there has to be parent-stepparent relationship.
Had that on mind, but it would have to be adult grandchildren as the OIR only goes down to age 18. They have a children's rider but then there has to be parent-stepparent relationship.

That works for me

The money and leads are in the older person any way. When I get the information on the minor gkids I can go to their parents for their own family plan.
That works for me

The money and leads are in the older person any way. When I get the information on the minor gkids I can go to their parents for their own family plan.

There are some things I wan tot do so if my health holds up, I will be moving back into being more active. Trying to decide where I want to focus my energy.. Will be the FE arena but may not be in the traditional areas.. I'll let others deal with the dog pee, roaches and bedbugs. :biggrin:
There are some things I wan tot do so if my health holds up, I will be moving back into being more active. Trying to decide where I want to focus my energy.. Will be the FE arena but may not be in the traditional areas.. I'll let others deal with the dog pee, roaches and bedbugs. :biggrin:

Don't forget the fleas.....:twitchy:
Don't forget the fleas.....:twitchy:
Oh yeah.. And BTW, I have been there and done that.. I have had to shoo the chickens off the kitchen table in order to have someplace to write.. Figured I have paid my dues and will let you young guys take care of those folks now.. :yes: Don't get me wrong, some of those folks were very good, honest people.. Just didn't enjoy spending time in their homes. :no:
Oh yeah.. And BTW, I have been there and done that.. I have had to shoo the chickens off the kitchen table in order to have someplace to write.. Figured I have paid my dues and will let you young guys take care of those folks now.. :yes: Don't get me wrong, some of those folks were very good, honest people.. Just didn't enjoy spending time in their homes. :no:

Young can't be talking to me. :twitchy: A few months ago I had to do that with a toy dog(can't remember the breed). It was running around on the kitchen table while I was writing up a Med Supp...had to keep removing it from the app(glad it didn't pee on it!).