Columbian Life - Current Producers

you do not dowmload the paper aspp. You download and install the POS app. After you submit then you upload, mail or fax the paprt app.

LBL has something like that. I've downloaded it on my phone. Capitol Life and American Benefit Life Med Supps (both LBL companies) also have it for the phone, but they just do the RX check. I've got all 3 on my phone but never used them. Don't need it with the Toolkit.
Easy to contact and speak with UW through phone or email.
Can write entire household 0-85 with same application. Easy to write "family plans".
4 page paper app if no riders or add ons. Scan and upload. Decision same day.
Eapp offers instant decision or submit to get a decision.
Competitive smoker rates.

Back office is a bit dated but I think they will overhauling all that soon.