.com Vs .net and So On.

Agreed Chumps.
Your goal is to get the search engines to find you, and one thing that helps is having those keyword rich domain names. You don't want them to find you, consider doing business with you, and then have to remember to type in www.greatestinsuranceagentihaveevermet.info. You want them to get to your site, request info, start the business process, then remember that your name is John Agency and your website is www.johnagency.com.

If you can get content-specific domain names that end in .anything, especially for $.89, I would say what does it hurt?
Thanks Chumps and Health Guy,

This is the logic I was taking. The "Keyword rich" part of the domain in this scenario is more important then the .com, info, net what ever. I think? Because it will direct to the "better.com".

So if I can buy two identical domains except for the .com I can get more bang for my buck and won't be out done if someone else buys the .com version? I can take the savings and apply toward some other marketing tool?
So then my theory is full of holes?

I have a dot com that is my agency name which is not getting much traffic. My theory was to get a bunch of domains that are "key word rich" say 30 using .net, info what ever and have them direct to my .com.

You guys think it would be better to get 10 .coms instead of the thirty of the other?

even though they are identical except for the dot part?


Keep in mind I will still be hiring one of the Forums SEO Gurus to optimize my site this is just one of my projects to go along with the rest of the SEO work.

Thanks again for the input
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Redirecting has an impact, but I'm not sure what. That might be a question for an SEO person.

I would assume that just redirecting from a great domain won't help much unless there is a lot of great content on that domain.
here's another twist - what about a ....-insurance.com vs a ...insurance.com with no "-" ? still boil down to the content?, or is the dash a negative? thanks
I wouldn't say it is a waste, because if you have the right content with that URL, it could be good. I mean if HealthInsuranceNewJersey.net is out there, take it! You will get some google results from the name alone.
Health Guy your kind of on track to what I am thinking.

Here is my point. Lets say:
healthinsurancenewjersey.net is $.89 and so is healthinsurancenewjersey.com at $10.00.

The same name different dot and ten times the price.

Or I could buy:

newjerseyhealthinsurancequotes.net freehealthinsurancequotesnewjersey.net bestfreeheathinsurancequotesnewjersey.net bestnewjseryhelathinsurance.net

for 10.00 all "keyword rich" for the same price of the 1 .com.
All of those being directed to


Isnt that better then buying the one .com or is it the fact that they all have a few the same key words a waste of money?