Comey picked to keynote LIMRA 2018 Annual Conference

In one way, it seems like a very odd pick. On the other hand, LIMRA is trying to boost attendance, and having a controversial speaker is one way to get people interested, or at least get them talking. But imo, that type of conversation is counterproductive.

Despite what some people think of him, he had a very long and decorated career in law enforcement. Someone with his investigative experience most certainly has something to say about ethical dealings in today's world.

Anyone who thinks a man like him as nothing to contribute is blinded by their personal political bias. And not thinking as a true professional who is capable of logic and reason.

Justice doesnt care who it pisses off. And when both sides are angry at the investigator, it usually means they are actually doing their job.
What really does not make sense is their other pick for speaker. Basically she knows a lot about "branding" and creating a "multi-channel brand".

Thats great for insurance carriers I guess. Useless for agents.

LIMRA has proven time and time again that they could care less about attracting field agents to their conference.

They have great stats and industry info. But I fear they are becoming shills for the carriers and could care less about us agents.
In one way, it seems like a very odd pick. On the other hand, LIMRA is trying to boost attendance, and having a controversial speaker is one way to get people interested, or at least get them talking. But imo, that type of conversation is counterproductive.

Despite what some people think of him, he had a very long and decorated career in law enforcement. Someone with his investigative experience most certainly has something to say about ethical dealings in today's world.

Anyone who thinks a man like him as nothing to contribute is blinded by their personal political bias. And not thinking as a true professional who is capable of logic and reason.

Justice doesnt care who it pisses off. And when both sides are angry at the investigator, it usually means they are actually doing their job.
You're being sarcastic...............aren't you? :huh:
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You're being sarcatic...............aren't you? :huh:

Not at all. I would not have picked him if I was heading up the conference. But if you actually look at his career (NY prosecutor, DOJ prosecutor, Private Sector Consulting, Academic positions, and the FBI), on paper he is very well qualified to speak about ethics in business.

There are some on the extreme right who will hate him forever because he spoke against Trump. There are some on the extreme left who will hate him forever because he issued the statement about Hilary's emails.

He acted without allegiance to any political party... political extremists hate people like that.

But that is not a logical or rational reason to judge his ethics or qualifications to be a keynote speaker.
Not at all. I would not have picked him if I was heading up the conference. But if you actually look at his career (NY prosecutor, DOJ prosecutor, Private Sector Consulting, Academic positions, and the FBI), on paper he is very well qualified to speak about ethics in business.

There are some on the extreme right who will hate him forever because he spoke against Trump. There are some on the extreme left who will hate him forever because he issued the statement about Hilary's emails.

He acted without allegiance to any political party... political extremists hate people like that.

But that is not a logical or rational reason to judge his ethics or qualifications to be a keynote speaker.
Whatever he did right in the past, is tarnished by the way his career ended...same with McCabe. He's a liar and he thinks he's above the law. Hardly a good choice to talk about ethics.
Whatever he did right in the past, is tarnished by the way his career ended...same with McCabe. He's a liar and he thinks he's above the law. Hardly a good choice to talk about ethics.
That's pretty much how I feel as well.

SC, you are right...politics aside, someone like him with the career he's had could well be a keynote speaker with alot of potential value to add. Just, (IMHO) not him, for all he's been involved in over the past few years.
Whatever he did right in the past, is tarnished by the way his career ended...same with McCabe. He's a liar and he thinks he's above the law. Hardly a good choice to talk about ethics.

Many people (on both sides) see the way Comey's career ended as a tarnishment on someone else.
SC, you are right...politics aside, someone like him with the career he's had could well be a keynote speaker with alot of potential value to add. Just, (IMHO) not him, for all he's been involved in over the past few years.

Like I said, I would not have chosen him. I would not have chosen the other speaker either.

However, the man has been through multiple situations involving ethics, situations that left him caught in the middle of two major forces trying to influence his decision. No matter what he decided, one half would be upset and cry foul.

Those very situations are why someone like him would be uniquely suited to speak about ethics and the decision making surrounding it. And would likely make his insight fairly interesting to hear.... especially considering the recent events that have occurred.

He was put in one hell of an ethical conundrum, anyone who goes through that experience is going to have very unique insight into decision making and ethics, regardless of the outcome.

Maybe you would hate what he has to say on the subject. Maybe not. But an open mind is capable of gaining insight and applying that to grow their business. A closed mind will never grow.

Again, I would not have chosen him. But for people to bash him as a pick to talk about ethics, seems like nothing but personal political bias.

Instead of focusing on politics, why not focus on the professional aspect of it? Would that not be more productive personally as a business owner?
Not to belabor a point that needs little discussion to begin with,

But in essence, your are speaking of a man who has admittedly leaked information that is now being investigated as classified... and to add further damage to insult, he is the the face and was the head of one of the most (at the time) respected enforcement and investigative agencies our country has to offer...

And this you believe is a well qualified person to speak on ethics to people who if they had done just half of what he is accused of would be in jail right about now... this is why we take classes every 2 years that are in a real senses a waste of time and money...

Politics aside... LIMRA's choice was a poor one. :skeptical:

Not at all. I would not have picked him if I was heading up the conference. But if you actually look at his career (NY prosecutor, DOJ prosecutor, Private Sector Consulting, Academic positions, and the FBI), on paper he is very well qualified to speak about ethics in business.

There are some on the extreme right who will hate him forever because he spoke against Trump. There are some on the extreme left who will hate him forever because he issued the statement about Hilary's emails.

He acted without allegiance to any political party... political extremists hate people like that.

But that is not a logical or rational reason to judge his ethics or qualifications to be a keynote speaker.