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Common Mistakes by Rookie Agents

Merriam-Webster's definition of Libel:

"A written or oral defamatory statement or representation that conveys an unjustly unfavorable impression"

As I said earlier, I was under the impression that you were trying to insinuate -and if so, unjustly so in my opinion- that I was just here to "peddle" something, which of course I was not.

That's not even close to the legal standard for libel. There's also nothing wrong with coming here to promote something.

Either way, it appears you've decided to tone it down so we're moving in the right direction.
Sometimes people will hesitate or try to find the eject button, because they don't trust you yet, they've been burned before or even some reason we don't know of, so while you can and should do your best to handle potential objections before they occur, there is no way you can prevent them from happening (at the end) 100% of the time.

This is why you need to understand the psychology behind them and know how to respond tactfully to keep the sales process moving along and overcome them and close the sale.

And I can tell you with 100% certainty that you can turn around the sale when faced with objections at the end, I review recorded calls from agents every day proving that.

I believe the best "defense is a good offense". What I mean by that is, I think it's best to handle most of the common or "true" objections in the presentation.

My theory is that if you get those kind of objections at the "close", it's usually too late to save the sale. Either I didn't do my job effectively during the presentation or they were never really true prospects.

I think there are a few exceptions to this rule, but they are so negligible, that it's not even worth the effort.
We have software that records every phone call made by each agent, so I can review their calls to tweak their performance. I know how many daily calls they make and things of that nature. It's a great tool for training, shortens the learning curve and helps to keep agents accountable, they actually have to work LOL

We also use it for new agents so that before they get on the phones they can listen to veteran agents one call closes, the handling of objections, basically they see the process at work which is huge, meaning knowing what's possible and that it's effective, so it instills confidence also.

Rob, tell us how. "Recorded calls"??? What's that. Thanks.
Sometimes people will hesitate or try to find the eject button, because they don't trust you yet, they've been burned before or even some reason we don't know of, so while you can and should do your best to handle potential objections before they occur, there is no way you can prevent them from happening (at the end) 100% of the time.

This is why you need to understand the psychology behind them and know how to respond tactfully to keep the sales process moving along and overcome them and close the sale.

And I can tell you with 100% certainty that you can turn around the sale when faced with objections at the end, I review recorded calls from agents every day proving that.

You make some valid points!

Just a couple of quick points:

1) l believe that there are just some people that are never going to buy from you, no matter how good you are at handling objections and if you are able to sell some of those people, because they didn't really want the policy in the first place, they will more than likely call in later and cancel it or let it lapse in a couple of months or so.

2) I also believe that there are 2 types of prospects those that give you objections and those that give you excuses. I try to handle most of the common objections during my presentation.

To me real objections are things like: " I can't afford it", "I need to talk to my spouse", "I don't want anyone going into my bank account", "I don't have the money today", "I've already paid for my funeral expenses", or "I'm putting money aside in my bank every month to cover my funeral".

Excuses usually are things like "I need to think about it", "I need to talk it over with my kids/pastor/accountant/ etc., "I need to check my budget", " I need to shop around, etc.".

I do agree with you that there is no way that you can totally prevent objections from coming up at the close, but if you're dealing with a true prospect (not a suspect), deliver a good presentation and if they have the financial resources to make a purchase (final expense), you won't run into too many objections at the close.

Unfortunately, a lot of people that respond to mailers or who set up appointments are "suspects" who are not "in the market" at the present time, the near future, or even worse - will never be "in the market".

"It's like a fisherman who throws his net in the sea and hauls in both fish and "undesirables". What does he do?... "he keeps the fish and throws away all the rest!
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Common mistakes by rookie agents? First would be soliciting lead sources on the forum. Second, would be listening to advice on the forum. Third, would be giving advice on the forum...
Common mistakes by rookie agents? First would be soliciting lead sources on the forum. Second, would be listening to advice on the forum. Third, would be giving advice on the forum...

So I will just use the forum for entertainment purposes, and I am worried about getting leads not giving them.
We have been over this many times but again I agree with what most are saying. If you get objections at the end then you have screwed up somewhere along the presentation. Even moreso if you are getting the same objections over and over.

My entire presentaion is designed to eliminate objections before they come up. I get very few objections at the end of my presentation. But, a HUGE key to that is that I don't make presentations to uninterested people.

I establish the why? right off the bat. if I cannot establish a why then I do not go into a presentaion.

There are 5 reasons a person doesn't buy from you;

1. No trust

2. No need

3. No money

4. No urgency

5. No desire

The hardest one to deal with is no trust. The only impossible one to deal with is no money. I mean really no money, not the smokescreen of no money that you will get. Gaining the trust is where you find out if no money is really no money.

I do a warmup at every place where I've found the why and am going to do a presentaion. Sometimes my warmup is 5 minutes sometimes it's 15 minutes. Whatever it takes to get their walls down. Only once those walls are dolwn do I proceed. I'm in the FE business. This is a read and react business. It ain't booklearning that gets ink on paper, it's people skills. Almost every other agent can offer then what you are offering or close to it. What sets you apart?
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So I will just use the forum for entertainment purposes, and I am worried about getting leads not giving them.

You will miss out on so much valuable information if you don't use this forum to educate yourself.
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We have been over this many times but again I agree with what most are saying. If you get objections at the end then you have screwed up somewhere along the presentation. Even moreso if you are getting the same objections over and over.

My entire presentaion is designed to eliminate objections before they come up. I get very few objections at the end of my presentation. But, a HUGE key to that is that I don't make presentations to uninterested people.

I establish the why? right off the bat. if I cannot establish a why then I do not go into a presentaion.

There are 5 reasons a person doesn't buy from you;

1. No trust

2. No need

3. No money

4. No urgency

5. No desire

The hardest one to deal with is no trust. The only impossible one to deal with is no money. I mean really no money, not the smokescreen of no money that you will get. Gaining the trust is where you find out if no money is really no money.

I do a warmup at every place where I've found the why and am going to do a presentaion. Sometimes my warmup is 5 minutes sometimes it's 15 minutes. Whatever it takes to get their walls down. Only once those walls are dolwn do I proceed. I'm in the FE business. This is a read and react business. It ain't booklearning that gets ink on paper, it's people skills. Almost every other agent can offer then what you are offering or close to it. What sets you apart?
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You will miss out on so much valuable information if you don't use this forum to educate yourself.

Sorry that was tongue in cheek. I do believe people can learn from this type of media, where else is this much experience (good or bad) together at the same time.