Compulife's Term4Sale Web Site Counter Hits 1.5 Million

Other than these few mentioned, AL#3 is a very fun loving guy and just has a need to keep this forum in order. He is just trying to help.

I've formally asked Sam to delete Newby's post.

I was told by Sam that he will not allow any more personal attacks or name-calling and he told me to stop. I agree with him on this and I told him I will cease (i.e. vastly tone-down) my rhetoric and just stick to the facts, as I think I have in my post about what I see as an attempt by Robert to spam the list.

This past weekend I also asked Sam to delete a ton of posts by ins.dave and others which were attacks on me (i.e calling me "putz" or "loser")... which Sam has.

And if there are posts out there where someone objects to what I might have called them, they should do the same thing and Sam will delete them.

Newby's post had no content or purpose other than to denigrate me, and that is now off-limits on this list, according to what the list-owner told me. Whether he is going to make his wishes known in the venue, I don't know. But I told him that from now on I would do everything in my power to help him in this endeavor, and to first change my style of argument here... which I have done.

I've formally asked Sam to delete Newby's post.

I was told by Sam that he will not allow any more personal attacks or name-calling and he told me to stop.

I've formally asked Sam to delete Newby's post.

I was told by Sam that he will not allow any more personal attacks or name-calling and he told me to stop. I agree with him on this and I told him I will cease (i.e. vastly tone-down) my rhetoric and just stick to the facts, as I think I have in my post about what I see as an attempt by Robert to spam the list.

This past weekend I also asked Sam to delete a ton of posts by ins.dave and others which were attacks on me (i.e calling me "putz" or "loser")... which Sam has.

And if there are posts out there where someone objects to what I might have called them, they should do the same thing and Sam will delete them.

Newby's post had no content or purpose other than to denigrate me, and that is now off-limits on this list, according to what the list-owner told me. Whether he is going to make his wishes known in the venue, I don't know. But I told him that from now on I would do everything in my power to help him in this endeavor, and to first change my style of argument here... which I have done.


Perhaps you will be so good as to enlighten the rest of us as to which particular parts of newby's post are defamatory.

I have looked at it and don't see anything that sticks out. What names has he called you or what has he accused you of that is defamatory?

I objected to Sam regarding things that you wrote, such as referring to me "personally" as a rascist. I consider that as defamation and I objected with good reason. I don't see that sort of thing in Newby's posting.

Some examples:

Number 1 refers to you not liking people who have a low level of education. In your first posting on this thread you made reference to someone with a grade 9 education being able to do something, in the context of accusations that I could be manipulating my web site counter. I didn't call it defamatory, I responded to it.

Number 2 says you don't like people who have different political views than you. I think that is accurate. You clearly dislike me; you agreed to that when I pointed it out. I think that is rooted in radically different political views.

Number 4 refers to an inheritance that you received. If that is an inaccurate statement it needs to be corrected. You could ask that for an apology and retraction.

Number 7 is accurate in that your political philosophy is liberal and you welcome increased government involvement in our lives and have harsh things to say about people who disagree.

You definately don't like fundamentalist Christians, you have pointedly made references to them being racists. While I don't like the claims you make, it is not defamatory unless you single out a particular individual.

Number 10 does looks over the top but you have made a sweeping generalization that the whole posting is defamatory and I think you need to be more specific.

Remember, defamation is rooted in the understanding that the statements and claims being made are inaccurate. For example, if I call someone a child molester, the statement is clearly defamatory unless they have been convicted of child molestation, at which point it is merely a statement of fact.

You object to newby's posting but said this in your first posting in this thread:

"everyone knows any "hit counter" can be easily compromised. I can program a "bot" that will create a zillion hits on any website. Any 9th grader can do the same thing. "​

"perhaps the intent was to SPAM the board"​

"The issue is that you purposely tried to SPAM this board by NOT putting your post where you knew it should have been... probably figuring that due to your longevity and prestige in this industry, no one would have the courage to call you on it.​

I'm not afraid to speak truth to power."​
I fail to see how you can look at the last two paragraphs that you published, and look again at newby's post, and not see that you have done precisely what you accuse newby of doing.

The meaning of your last two paragraphs is that I did something with mal-intent, and knowing did so believing that I could get away with it because others are too frightened of me to object. This is the sort of thing one might accuse Al Capone or Barney Frank of doing.

Did you think that the above statements you made about me were just dealing with the facts?

I suggest that you go back over Newby's posting and specifically identify what is defamatory, and educate the rest of us so we can be certain what you are referring to.
I find Newby's post offensive.

Sam will be the judge, not Robert Barney. If Sam agrees with Robert then the post will stay. If not, it will go.

If Robert has a problem with that... or me... well you know something... I can live with that.

As for the advertisement that Robert posted, my suggestion is that before you send him any money, take a look at the alternatives and see if those will work for you. Talk with your GA. Look at the other quote-engine alternatives. While Compulife is not a lot of money (to me or Rick,) any money wasted is... money wasted.

On the other hand if you believe you will get extra business from Compulife (or the listing on their site) then go for it. It seems to have worked for Rick. Perhaps it will work for you... but I rather believe it won't... because Rick is world-class agent in his area of expertise... and you probably aren't. Spend your money and take your chance... just like at the casino. That's the only way you will find out.

And if you want to support Robert and his political agenda, that's another good reason to buy into Compulife. As I said before it's an adequate system but in my opinion worth more like $49.95 than the $299 version PER YEAR that Rick has endorsed. I know that I would never pay $299 PER YEAR for this software but if you do or you want to, well... that is your choice and I hope it works for you as well as it has for a few others.

I'm sure that as long as Robert is allowed to post to the venue with more and more advertisements like the one he started this thread with, there is no doubt that he will sell more and more subscriptions. Sounds like a good plan to me. Perhaps that is why he left Glen's board to come over here? Is this venue's policy on spam more tolerant than Glen's? Could be. I don't know... I'm just speculating.

Anyway, following Robert's posting, the lead vendors will be next, followed by the health-quote vendors. Why not? If it's OK for Robert to advertise here, it should be fine for the Quote-It's of the world, as well as the Prospect Zones and Hometown's in the industry, to say nothing about the hundreds of one-man "GAs" who will be hawking their "deals" here to build their down-line.

After all, why bother posting in the "Offers" section where it must undergo inspection when you can post in one of the other sections and have instant availability and greater visibility. Robert has led the way and it seems to me that the rest of the subscribers here have given him their blessings.

So I guess we won't hear any more protests when the next recruiter comes on here offering "the word's greatest contract for MAPD plans." Nope. Shouldn't happen at all anymore. If it's good for Robert than I can only assume it's good for everyone else.

And that's a good thing, right?

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